Sunday, February 3, 2008

insert title here

Well winterfest was fun, even though I almost had to be dragged there, it was totally worth it. on those brief and luckily swift journeys into the dance room, i once again began to lose faith in the future of humanity. people just scare me. also edina day scared me, actually. people are told that a certain day is "city spirit day" and they all dressed up! all of them! remarkably few exceptions! And apparently, I have no spirit, i'm dressed in emo clothes and "you guys are so weird!" Whatever. maybe i can't argue with those.

today me and mira went to ragstock just to look around and see what kind of clothes they had and we both got new hats! not that they'll ever replace our "british caps". Mine is sorta really dark blue/green/black plaid. Anyway, ragstock is cool, but shopping still sorta sucks X]

On friday we used the Bunsen burners (yay, fire!) and we kept on ruining the flame in the attempt to get the "cone effect" right. So basically, by the end we had vented so much gas that we were all feeling sort of light headed, (great day to have the math quiz next period, I think i screwed up one of the proofs because i forgot a theorem). Oh, and I asked the science teacher what kind of gas it was and her plain and quite intelligent response was "It's gas."

we're doing a freaking documentary in LRT about ourselves. i do NOT want to show my stoopy, intelligence-challenged, mainstream-obsessed LRT class anything about my life. we have to have like 10 events. My life is like boring in the way that nothing extreme has happened to me. Maybe i'll make up some injuries that i got. "yeah, then i was in a bike crash and i fractured my... esophagus." There's just nothing interesting! I have 3 /10 right now. The only good part is that you get to add your own music to it. but it has to be clean. that's challenging.

I <3 start of the quarter. there's like no homework! hallelujah!

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