Sunday, June 29, 2008


My birthday was very fun, thanks for all the "happy b-days" i've gotten.
in all:
-First thing, I got a cream cheese frosting'd doughnut. can you say "delish"?
-Then I got Coldplay's new album, Viva La Vida! Can you say "deli-" wait i mean "epic"?
-During the brief storm, Lily burrowed into the couch, like from the back. She's been slowly tearing open the cloth in the back and now its big enough for her to sit inside. So while you sit down the couch vibrates from her shaking and pants under you. Very sad.
-I made another ATC (woo these things are so addicting, i have so many ideas)
-made cupcakes: warm cupcake+cream cheese frosting=amazingwonderfulsugarygoodness
-Swimming, the air was colder than the water... thankfully?
-Saw second National Treasure movie. lololol.

Yes, all jolly good fun. What is NOT fun is I keep on having dreams about school starting!! augh! In my first one it wasn't that far away from being like school. I remember being really angry and telling the person at the locker next to me "WTH, summer was such a ripoff this year!" but I actually didn't mind school by the end of the dream. But last night school was like *shiver* a boarding school and nobody wanted to sleep so we got like 2 hours, from 1:30 to 3:30. but luckily in my dream I managed to surface the fact that it was only june. IT'S ONLY JUNE. keep on telling yourself that!

Okay, another weird Wiccan coincidence. oh, speaking of coincidences, Wiccans don't believe in them, everything happens for a reason. That's an interesting, if comforting, belief. Anyway! Your fourteenth birthday is when witches get initiated! And I learn about Wicca like a week before mine? Weeeiiirrd. But I also found my Slatish (shut up oscar wildeans) necklace under my dresser after like 6 months. So that sounds like a Gods' sign to me. I don't know, I just know that some things we do in Slatish are very Wiccan (maybe not pacing >.>) So I don't know, it is really refreshing to make up your own rituals and beliefs. Though Wiccan does fit me like a frikkin glove. But wishing that there was a Wiccan community in Edina is like wishing hell would freeze over. And you can't do like anything without a Coven. Once again, I don't know... But don't get me wrong, I'm an atheist. ;D

So yeah, no mentioning to parental types "yeah, maggie is a witch" 1. no i'm not. 2. they'll freak out.

Let's end this on a wonderful quote I dug up.
"Half a dozen 9-year-olds in your store is cute. Half a dozen adults is good business. Half a dozen teenagers in your shop is means for a parliamentary inquiry." Sniff, life is so cruel.

Monday, June 23, 2008

9 feet?!

ZOMG forget posting about the cabin, I did a song on ITG (in the groove, it's like DDR but a better, harder version) that was 9 feet! (the songs' difficulties are measured in feet, it's not like you need 9 feet to do that song) that's crazy! I can't do a lot of 8 footers! It really helped because my brother's friend was doing the song too (he's so good at it) on the metal pad next to me so I could hear all of the weird rhythms. Then I realized it was almost midnight so I went to bed. Which really sucked because I was planning dinner after ITG... So the moral of this story is eat your dinner at 6 like a good sheep.

Anyway, cabin highlights: it was le amazing.
-Watching sunset and stars come out while laying on dock. go solstice!
-Total lack of pagan rituals during summer solstice (le sad)
-Being in the guest cabin so didn't have to tolerate adults.
-Boat trips! /swimming/tubing/kayakakakaking.
-Harvesting own clay from the bottom of the lake and making shapes and stuff with them and having the clay dry on the dock in the sun. I'm going to bake them now, then paint them :)

Okay, onward. So I was reading this book, Book of Shadows and it had a lot of stuff about Wicca in it. (you should have seen this coming, after like Slatism) Wiccans have covens!! blah! Let me just say that right now! So you are all thinking "she thinks witches are cool...?... like evil spells and such?" because you are a sad victim of the media and stereotypes like the rest of us. No, Wiccans celebrate nature and solstices. Wiccan isn't at all contradictory to being like Christian for instance:
Me: So, what do you think about Nature?
Christian: It's a brilliant creation of God.
Me: Yeah, exactly. So, what about a religion celebrating nature?
Christian: Hmmm...
Me: What about Wiccan?
C: No! They are Witches. witches, by definition, sell their souls to the devil.
M: What if they don't believe in the devil? How can you sell your soul to something you don't believe in??
Anyway, wanted to get that out of my system, I know i'm being stereotypical, i'm just playing off popular belief. Anyway, Wicca is cool. (i'm not exactly practicing it... I'm still slatish (lololol)... so far.)

Five more days till i'm old enough to legally drive a boat! (I drove it for a while anyway wahaha)

PS: Funniest thing ever: since Wiccans get such bad rap, telling your family that you are Wiccan is called coming out of the broom closet. lololololol

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Another post? you crazy.

First of all, Quote of the Week:

"It's hard not to regurgitate under water!" -emily. ;) I am so mean, she just misplaced her words with a hilarious outcome.

Inspirational quote of the week:

"Don't you ever get claustrophobic in that narrow little mind of yours?" -Hector from Zits. all of us have narrow minds. Even you Mrs. Lovett even I! Don't be agoraphobic with your mind. That just leads to being stoopy.

I'm also posting to be sad that I didn't decide to post at like 2:00 last night, because I would laugh to see the state of delirium i was in at that point. It just totally and utterly and unarguably SUCKS to lay in bed upwards of 2 hours. So turn off the light at eleven, lay in bed till twelve, switch beds and rooms and read part of my book while listening to classical music (reading with my iPod backlight), play solitaire, lay in bed for another 45 minutes, pace around the house for 20 and lay in bed until I fall asleep at like 2:30-3:00ish. There was a surprising amount of self-pity, head aches and heat going around considering only one person was conscious. But compare that to the amount of whining going around with just one person writing this blog post...

anyway the dreadful, evil and all controlling force of having an Ortho appointment at 10 dragged me out of bed at the unearthly hour of 9:00. I realize 6 hours is like pretty decent on school year terms but i regard it now as just icky. I was lucky, because there wasn't that creepy german/french? orthodontist that kept on saying "Zat geerl vill need 'er jaw broken as zoon as..." blah blah blah "zat geerl" and there wasn't much talk about surgery or head gear or wisdom teeth or whatevs. And I got rid of my ill-fitting retainer.

all in all, in conclusion, it is impossible to write a blog post without me complaining (xD), my teeth are truly messed up, and no regurgitating in the pool please!

PS: I am writing Prisoner Exchange! almost full throttle! just because I said "dungeon' and "writing" in the same sentence in my last post. For those who don't speak "my stories", Prisoner Exchange in short is about a noble young woman who defies her king and ends up getting the duty of taking care of a valuable rebel prisoner who is getting used for information. She learns about him and carelessly gives information about him to the Commander, which results in the hanging of his fiancee (i don't know, girl friend? wife? something?) and unborn child. Not telling the ending. Sounds boring but tisn't.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Summer (contented sigh)

I'm measurably happier than I was in my last post. you can't fight the flow of doing absolutely nothing during the summer or you'll drive yourself (moar) crazy. To continue the trend of doing absolutely nothing, I have played a bit of World of warcraft, made myself a bracelet and finished a really long audiobook in my freetime. But today is father's day so i helped with preparation a lot. But here's the awesome part. My mom kept on calling this pile of butter that she had on a fancy plate her "sculpted butter" but all that it looked that she was trying to sculpt was scrambled eggs. So I offered to take a stab at it and she said to feel free! So a half an hour and a pile of butter later, I crafted a magnificent pig out of butter with two cut black olives at eyes. I should have posted it on dA ;). That is totally random but i'm so *sniff* proud!

The pool is officially up! when it was still only shin-high me and my neighbor managed to completely submerge ourselves in it, so i've basically already swam (aka froze to death!!! It was so ddddddang cold i think i'm permanently blue.)

I'm still dying because its hot though, and it's all I can do to not like live in my swimsuit and hurl myself into the icy depths of my pool every time I feel like I am getting a heat stroke (which is like every 5 minutes :-p) So yeah it's not exactly an underground heated pool, but we all should go in it some time.

In other news there was something about like cults on the radio this morning i think, i was only half listening and they mentioned "covens" like twice! It was epic I was like "count me freaking in!" and my mom changed the station. What really got me was they weren't talking about cults like "those dang kids don't they have anything else to do?" it was more of a considering of like ancient beliefs. Honor Chavin!

So now that the cattails are flooded i am going to continue my quest for some close-by uninhabited and unfrequented place where I can go. Dddddddang suburbs, there is nothing untouched for quite a few miles. Yeah.

Aaaaand in the music news, Coldplay is coming out with a new album and already have two kick... good prereleases out, Violet Hill and Viva La Vida (the life lives, or long live life) they're pretty great. Maybe not like Yellow, Talk, Fix You or The Scientist, but that's just it, it's something different. god i listened to Parachutes incessantly two summers ago, tis a very amazing album. you can listen to violet hill free on their site.

I still haven't written like anything at all this summer. Nothing. Nada. Ningun. Ah well. alls well that ends well. but i don't know if i can make this end. any writing scyles that i may have had are rotting in some dungeon of my own creation. speaking of dungeons i just might want to write Prisoner Exchange! Inspiration has stroken? bai

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I'm just not in a very good mood, in general. It's very nice that school is over and now there is freedom though but my aversion to people or "stoopies" isn't gone even now that I don't have to be surrounded by them for 5/7. which is annoying, I am thinking about my whole apartment strategy again. And now my Cattail place is gone! augh! it got flooded, which is so sad. It was nice to be able to go out into the middle of the field where no sane people would go and lay down where nobody could see me with my sweatshirt over my eyes with my ipod. ipods are, by definition, not stoopies.
I guess I should just become a crazy old cat woman (minus the cats, achooo) when I'm older and like be the kind of eccentric old lady who can afford to have her house air lifted into some forsaken swamp because she married and killed a bunch of ancient zillionaires. But in the shorter term, become an emo psychopath that takes the night shift as a security guard at a shiny building in new york and spends the day sleeping. The day sleeping also sounds nice, because I'm still tired, but it's in a nicer way than at school because I know I actually have time to sleep off.

Anyway, since I'm none of the above... but yeah none of you guys are stoopies. I'm just have a mental virus, i'll get over it. With the help of like.. my two audiobooks. The good thing about school is it offered some structure, and it's sort of like you love to hate it. I dunno maybe I'm crazy especially considering all of the sheep that were baaahing in my ear all year. (and you guys mooing at lunch ;) this sounds a lot like a farm.)

The watercolor painting class was canceled :( hopefully i'll be able to get into another one though. I guess I should paint either way. I can only go so wrong with practicing to get better :-p

le sigh. i'm trying to end this one story but I can't bring myself to do it ;_; i'll wait until ... i can bring myself to make myself more sad.

Friday, June 6, 2008

80th post

Well. Its over. Some of my first posts on this blog were anticipating school.
Now it's over.

Done with.



This week was hard because it was covered with so many "lasts" all of them were sort of hard to stomach, plus there will be some truly cool people that I won't see for another three months because I don't know them that well :( But I will at least see more people this summer than last we can hope. And this next week is going to be all about "firsts" let's see, i've already had:

-First storm of the summer
-First egg roll... (queue cheers)
-First gag reflex (a bit of a long story.)
-Uhm, first braclet made. (its purple and orange and blue and sort of shiny! don't worry, it's not my Pain Of 8th Grade, i'll wait for you guys.)
-First reading of a book of Scott Westerfeld's (oh my god, so he managed to deliver and excellent critique of the government in my book! it was so unlikely, it seemed more likely for him to critique like math or demons in Midnighters and keep the government solely in Uglies but he totally pulled it off.)

So you can really tell i've been partying all afternoon nonstop. The weather is a bit of a damper on my mood. i dislike storms. plenty. Another reason for fall to come blissfully fast! Just the weather, not the school bit.

oh well, school is over yaaaaaay! it seems so unreal.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Last night I cohosted a party with 20+ people at it. Before you get into a tizzy about how you weren't invited: I wasn't at my house and I didn't know a single person at the party. Good enough lead yet? They were all adults and I was in MPLS. Guess what happened yet? Didn't think so:

An hour after maren and emily left I had cleaned my room and taken a shower, and was getting ready to FINALLY do my math assignment that I has been eating away at my mind since last wednesday. The tornado sirens had stopped, but the sky was getting darker, it was like 6:00. My dad calls up "Ann hurt herself!" So I close all of the windows and run downstairs. I bring my iPod and a random book, Inkspell. We jump into the car and are off like batman and robin. Half way to my aunt's house it started hailing really bad. Let me be the first to say I can be irrationally stormaphobic. But then the sky lightened up a lot, which i guess is most of the scare factor, even though it was hailing like crazy. So we get there fine. My aunt is on the couch with her feet somewhat elevated and her ankle is like totally swelled.

What happened was she was putting the lawn chair cushions into the shed and her sandals were crappy so they slipped on the first stair of her porch and she thought she heard snap in her ankle and they both her really bad, so she stumbled into the house, grabbed the phone and plopped onto the couch. Right then my dad called, incase she hadn't been watching the news, to say that the storm was coming her way and she told him she was hurt.

And then came the worse news, she had a party planned for 7:30 and it was now 6:30. Like, she had been planning it for weeks, she had all of this food and drinks and nice people coming that she had hand-selected. They decided that she needed to go to urgent care, but that was closed, so they went to the Emergency Room. One of her friends, Susan was coming early to help. My cousin was at this big dance event but would be back by 8:30. So my dad and aunt left once Susan came, and we basically did all of the left over preparations for the party. And then people started coming so I uncovered the food and stuff, but once like 4 couples of people came plus the ones that had been helping, I decided that I was somewhat of a 5th wheel. So I beelined for the safest place in any party for an introvert: The Basement! I borrowed one of my cousins books, Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism (it's not teaching you how to hypnotize people) and sat in the basement with my dinner/lunch. Every so often I ended up going up to make sure nobody was trashing the place and to make my self useful, but it went pretty smoothly, and my cousin showed up, same with my other aunt and uncle, which helped.

So at the end I took over rinsing and drying duty for the dishes while the washer told my about my grandfather (he died when I was like 6). He had been my uncle's friend and had gotten a blood transfusion from my grandpa. I'm really happy because my gpa seems like a really cool kinda guy :D

My aunt turned out to have broken her ankle in two places and her other one fractured in one. she got a cast and crutches, and pain medication, then came back around 10:45 (ERs are notorious for being slow. isn't that stoopy! The first thing I'm going to do as empress of the world is revamp the whole process). Me and my dad eventually left at 11:00 and we got to bring home some crossaunts (wth? how do you spell that?).

I think this week is totally out to get me. I have to host a party of people that I don't know, during a storm, while my aunt is hurt. And I thought I had enough to worry about that before that happened!