Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

You guessed it: Twilight

Before I get to twilight, i must say I am rather distraught. I have spent an hour and a half every other day alternatively dazzling everybody with my spanish scyles and staring at this awesome poster depicting medieval life! We have spanish class in the 7th grade social studies room and i sat right by this awesome colorful poster with the social hierarchy and a bustling medieval on it. I loved that poster and now it has been replaced with a black and white confusing map of Salem Village and a freaking list of everybody who was arrested and how the died in the Witch Trials. It's so sad! It really gets me going when I see people dying because of religion crap! Blaugh! sorry

Okay, I don't hate the movie! That's the best news. I prefer the audiobook though and I tried really hard to keep my vision of the characters and settings in the book. So here's what I thought:

Bella and Edward....: Bwahahahaha! Edward glittering was the lamest thing I've ever seen. lololol. I'll just leave it at that... lol. There were way too many close ups on bella and edward, they were trying to make it intense, but it just made you want to like count their pores or something. Plus whenever Edward put on his "self sacrificing, trying not to eat you, i'm so hardcore" face all I could think of was his constipation face, since that's why they called it on my podcast I listen to. Bella wasn't that bad. She really captured the pathetic-ness.

Bellas friends: perfect. just really great. I love how she saw them when they were driving out of Forks, that was a clever contrast.

Charlie: Okay, I expected a bit more like emotion in the bella leaving scene. he was just like "did he hurt you... bleh" The scene was sad, but I think it could have been better.

Screw the cullens, best part: Evil vampirezzz!: Laurent wins biggest eyes award. Victoria wins biggest feet award. And James wins everything else :-o. Lol I am such a James fangirl. Sadistic vampires for the win.

The action scene was so much more violent than I thought it would be. Alice ripped off James head! But i'm okay with that because part of what makes james cool is that he got ripped to pieces and burned. Then he bit bella, which was creepy. And broke her leg. And threw her into a pillar. In case you haven't noticed I don't really like Bella so he just gets extra points. When Edward was supposed to suck out the venom and couldn't stop that was so CREEPY, his eyes were like O_O. Ickers.

There were two too many "monkey" references in the movie:
"Hold on spider monkey" -rob to bella when they're running.
And the worst-line-of-the-movie award goes to.... "That's my monkey man." -Rosalie describing Emmet playing baseball.

So yeah overall I will enjoy the movie when I can actually laugh as much as I want to (when they were laying in the meadow with that horrible piano music I felt like i'd burst!) It was amazing that they used 15 Step by Radiohead during the credits <3 and the scenery was fantastic.

Monday, November 17, 2008


I am falling back in love with November, one more week till thanksgiving break, which will be AWESOME, the play is over and I'm not as sad as I thought i'd be and we didn't fall flat on our faces during performances. Life is better. Five more days! This weekend went so fast >.< but I got soo much sleep. I wasn't very exciting but I did catch up on my sleep. And I don't feel sick though some of my hearing out of my right ear is still gone. (I mean wth??? it's so random yet makes every day a little harder.)


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I have now written this horrible poem called "I hate november" I hate myself for writing it. I used to love november. It was my favorite month. I guess it still is, but this one has sucked.
Here it goes.

I hate November.
It is cold and I have one.
I have only been on a walk once.
What is with snow?
Too much work.
I am tired of all of it.
All of the leaves are brown
and soggy.
The play
is a train wreck.
I only listen to sad music.

There, the end. It's sort of contrasting last year where the play was going smoothly i had less depressing music to listen to, went on a bunch of walks, more leaves were on the trees, the play was going well and was in good health. Augh. So now my favorite month this year is August! AUGHUST? no wae. This simply must not be true. It is a travesty. Yeah anyway sorry, I'm riding the Complain Train. Maybe I'll stop once the play is over and i stop getting sick.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Greetings from 5:33 in the morning

ugh don't trying being up this early. it sucks. I woke up (sort of) and felt really hot and headachy and all of my dreams were bizzare. so i gave up on sleep and tried to hydrate myself. So now i come to you in the middle of a very dark downstairs sipping cold water. Do you realize cold weather is a death trap? It gets cold and dry but you don't want to drink cold water because you're already cold and warm water is gross and all warm drinks aren't hydrating because of all of the extra stuff in them. Plus you don't sweat so you don't really feel like you need water. So don't make the mistakes I did. drink water. And sleep till ten.

Ima go listen to mugglecast under an afghan.

Edit: I'm alive! And the sun has risen, bless it! I feel like I got ran over by a bus. Yay -.-
Weird fact of the day, this happened yesterday too but I was able to fall back asleep, it wasn't as bad as today. So when I was tidying my room I noticed that my dream catcher was broken. Now if that's not a strange coincidence I don't know what is. I wonder if it's like bad luck to keep a broken dream catcher above your bed. It like unleashes demons or something >.>

Saturday, November 8, 2008


0_0 So I learn at freshman theatre project that the stage manager finally told our directer about the creepish things happening backstage and I got an email that was like "blah blah... Please recognize these SV staff member that will be at the performances and rehearsals backstage supervising. blah blah" We have had SV staff members around at the plays before but not like actually backstage. Well that's helpful. So yeah, our director is probably SO pissed. If he knew everything that went on backstage he would probably first have a stroke, then a heart attack, then have to move out of the country and take anger management classes meditating on top of a mountain for five years before he could calm down.

Then there's all of the stupid one sided rivalry between the two plays, we have to "pick our battles" when they use the theater when we were supposed to use it, they scribble on our posters and all of those little things that are a little annoying. This whole play has been very just like annoying... bright orange t-shirts, 9th graders being trees, rehearsing in the gym, the director contradicting himself. What are they thinking! The best part is the people in it, it's really fun. Without a good cast this play would just collapse. (not that people don't want to be there but still are, that isn't specific to this play though)

And you would not believe how different the other middle school's drama people are from anybody at our school. It's sort of unnerving. Like a different species. o.o

Ah drama. And this doesn't even count non-theater drama.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I am not happy. there is nothing to make me happy except for some funny interaction with friends during the day. I am NOT digging the 11 hour days. Or the three hours of homework. Of the 14 hours of misery that I call days. There are highlights. but they mostly blur. I can't wait till the performance, then I will actually have time! And the performance is going to be great! (i pray!)

Okay I'm also pissed off. When I come out from play practice it is raining (yay) as me and my mom drive home it's REALLY raining (YAY!) it's raining when I get out of the car (yay) then I run inside, dump my backpack and run outside. It is not even close to raining. No moisture is falling from the sky. You couldn't get wet if you tried (unless you roll on the grass). WTH?? WHAT? WHY? THE BEST THING THAT HAPPENED ALL DAY! RAWR. THE GODS HATE ME, I SWEAR. -.- grumblemumble

I'm also pissed off about various things that happened at play practice but that would take hours just to write.