Saturday, May 31, 2008


FTP: I just got home from the Freshman Thespian Project meeting (it's not actually called FTP, but somebody proposed to call it that during the meeting so what evs, that works). It was really fun. so what happened at first was I got directions to the office of VV and stood there for like a minute looking unsure, then Greg, one of the leaders, decided that the dorky girl looking unsure was probably me and directed to me to the hallway were the crowd was waiting. Yes. I mean the crowd. It was frikkin crazy. There were only supposed to be 5 people from VV but there were like 14! Lets just say everybody and the reception I got was... very... very.... verrry friendly. I got swallowed by the mass of people as soon as I was introduced. I seem to remember shaking like three hands at once and some people's hands like for three minutes or three times, because they all wanted to assert their craziness. when i was wondering why there were so many people I got the explanation "We're just their fan club" and the people who were actually in it were pointed out to me. Then the list of other peeps that were coming from SV was squeezed out of me, with varying degrees of enthusiasm from the crowd. i got warned against this guy in a green shirt, which was sort of disconcerting. we decided the dates of meeting and played some get to know you acting games. It was like 2 hours long, but pretty fun.

YAC: the young author's concert was pretty epix. it is such a creative atmosphere, compared to like what.. i don't know.... school?! I wrote two poems I'm really happy about, decided who's going to die at the end of my assassin story (:D) but I won't tell! if i ever get it presentable, i want you guys to be surprised. i want to make you guys crai and go 3mo wahahaha. but the first class was also insanely fun, I had a really fun table and we made up a story called "The Dragon Tunnels" with Jaquist, our main hero in a fantasy story. He's the angsty brooding 17 year old boy type of character, who is getting revenge on the dragons because Rasokan, the dragon king and his minions killed his mom, dad, brother and dog. It starts with the same line it ends with, which is with Rasokan dying above ground at Jaquist's sword. Pretty cliche, but we had a lot of fun writing it.

GLC: gull lake cabin ;) here are some highlights from my cabin, for those who haven't already heard:
-My aunt was running, and this dog ran after her and bit her in the leg. It was a foster dog for the ones who owned it, they were really sorry, and brought over some wine.
-Badminton! woo! we played a lot and I finally am making my serve mediocre.
-There is this hole, like really big hole under our dishwasher where small creature such as... lets say, chipmunks can get in. Emphasis on the "chipmunks can get in"! as in one did, like three times and we chased it out with a broom.
-My cousin's friend was there, which was annoying because i had no warning, and I wish I brought a friend because they get really obnoxious when they're together. they also... um.. like boywatching. so while we're just walking they were always going "OH EM JEE!" and point at some guy or another. uhmmm, aawwwkwarrd. but she left, and my cousin wasn't so obnoxious.

the end.

ps: spoiler warning!
Some people seem to be forgetting the epicness of the Witch King so I need to refresh your memories.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Blog post movie review edition! (mostly)

the bus ride was kind of cheering this morning. there was plenty of eye-candy. No, i am not talking about prince caspian, or the stoopy guy that sits in front of me. I'm talking about ~*FLOWERS!*~ It's that time of year! (where I whine about how i wish it was cold. actually this is the first time that i've wished for cold right about now. le sigh, free me from the warmth.) It's that time of year where plants burst into lacy flame! Explode with pink jewels and white feathers. Then the Time is over, and the pendants rain unto the ground, shriveled and curling in agony, As they Die. I have foreseen this. I have already seen the Rain begin.

no, but it's depressing how all of the flowers are just going to fall off, like right away. it look so amazing when every inches of tree branches are coated in flowers.

Onto the movie review: Prince Caspian! Spoiler warning for all who care.
Okay, this is going to be a sort of weird review:
So it started out and it was totally epix from the first few seconds of it. Wait, i take that back. Childbirth=icky. It was totally epix as soon as guys with swords showed up *swoon* haha not really. anyway that professor guy looked like such an owner coming down the hallway in all of those big cloaks. rebeccug was all like "it's voldemort!" and then he took off his hood and he was Dumbledore, how funny is that?

Caspian's escape was totally cool, because he is such a big owner to say the least. my brother might say that he's a Big Orange, but my brother is just weird that way.

So yeah, there was a lot of macho posturing that I found hard to stomach sometimes. Like the dwarf vs edmund, the king vs his council, king vs caspian, king vs. peter (lots of growling going on, oh come off your high horses you guys and save your breath), peter vs. caspian, edmund vs. peter, peter vs. a bunch of other boys. come on!! it was sort of funny though. And Reepacheep is awesome! he has so much honor, I bow to him. And yes, he is a mouse :D

I think the filming was just magnificent, everybody who made this were truly artists. it tied up really nicely at the end.

There were some groan moments though like parts that I won't fault, but they were just sort of... wonderfully classic moments. like "for narnia!" woo! It was also ridiculously refreshing to see an army of believable size!!! Like, the bad guys, when they zoomed out to show their army, it was big, but not ridiculously huge! They didn't need to pan the camera just to see every little ant of a person. It was just a practical nice size for grinding face. I love that. It seemed like movie producers these days have been mocho posturing too to see who can make the biggest army with special effects. I'm glad that this directer stayed out of that fight.

Nightmares. Forever. That weird wolf and that bizzare bird-woman. wthwthwth? it seemed like it didn't really fit in with the movie very well. but that wolf guy was sorta cool the same time he was scaring the skin off my back. "i can fast for thousands of years and drink rivers of blood and not burst, and probably inhale tons of flesh through my nose without sneezing, oh! and I can whip up a mean omelette's!"

Yeah, end of my mediocre movie review.

Book review!
kidding... sorta
The Secret Hour is crazy good! need.... second one... now... dying...
I finished it in science! So sonny was all like "mehbleh bleh, bleh blehmeh. Meh! mehmehfeh!" and I'm all like "yeah, as if! it's the climax! didn't you take LA? this is the part that is so exciting that you have to read it under your desk!"

Oh and in LRT we didn't do anything, after sonny announced that on our test we're going to have questions about "earthquakes" and "lightnings" because they "are really big in the world". my response "................" we haven't learned about them. But people were working on their newspapers the whole time. I made up a new "language" like, code. It's more squiggly than cuhro. i'm calling this Driss because a weird naming method i use. it looks really cool, but it's not like that artistic one I made or the practical one. so now I have:

Cuhro, i am fluent in, sort of practical, looks... dece at best.
Driss, looks pretty, sort of practical, not fluent.
Practical, stick like one, not fluent, made it up to go with one of my Underground stories
Artistic, looks cool but not elaborate, not practical, not fluent.

Anyway, i'm off to my cabin for the weekend see yallz at l8tr. oh god, i mean, I will see you guys on tuesday. That got way too "eyeburning" even for me. I'll probably have another really long post about the cabin. maybe the plumbing will work this time. but who doesn't love washing dishes in brown water? it's a singular experience.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


-Woo! Today felt so much like summer! I can't wait. The weather wasn't so hot that I wanted to kill myself! (note, on friday, it was too hot! I'm going to go live in Antartica, kthxbai. i'll send you guys polar bear and/or penguin photos? and some ice.)
I resolve that this summer:
-I will try not to get less sleep than I get during the school year.
-I'm going to wear bandanas! I miss those things. Arr, i be a pirate.
-Kayakakakaking upstream
-Tree hugzzz! I haven't gotten stuck in a tree since fall.
-Sewing, painting, drawing, photography.
-Oh, and I've always wanted to make a big, awesome chalk sidewalk mural, that would be soo cool! company, as always, is welcome, what is a mural without multiple artists.
Everybody comment with your summer resolutions. (haha, it's like new years, nobody ever follows through with them.)

-Last night I saw Stranger Than Fiction, twas epic. god, did that make me feel guilty about killing my characters. Until I realized that I haven't actually finished any of my stories where they die... but it's not like I'm going to change the ending anyway :) and I also realized that some of them aren't that great of people so the world will be a better place without them.

-Also, today I went and saw my cousin in a Young Dance show. It wasn't like the ballet type. It was like the modern interpretative kind. My cousin was really awesome and one of the dances was just her and this other guy, and she rocked it.

-If I killed somebody every time it crossed my mind these days... I'd be on Americas Most Wanted. And some people would be dead multiple times over... somehow. the great majority of school-going children that constantly surround me too much of the time are insufferable idiots/snobs/divas/posers and they are all COMPLETELY CLUELESS and tactless!! It's like the closer to the end of the year the more that they are obnoxious and vile. i just really had to get that out of my system.

-This whole evolution topic in LA is bringing up some interesting things... Mostly I spent the paidiea seminar with religious people on both of my sides that gave me sidelong glances any time I said anything that actually expressed an opinion. Then I got to hear a very christian girl go on a rant about how there isn't ANY evidence for evolution... .... ......... .... ha, then somebody said something about how there doesn't need to be any proof to have faith and I thought about how well Slatism illustrates that point. (sortanotreally)

-Vicious editing on my assassin story, woot! There is a lot to be editted. a lot lot lot that sucks sucks sucks.

well bye.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Wow. That was a weird day. Here is just a sliver: The Fated To Be Bad Kayakakak Tip:

Okay, me and emily are both in my single kayak. It's our first run of the season and we weren't hitting many major snags, but we were hitting eachothers' paddles. That was all well and good until we hit like some sort of trip wire. It was so weird! It was like tied around this tree that was hanging out into the water and connected to land and I got soooo stuck in it. After that, we continued onward about like 10 yards. Then we hit the rapids. It all went WAY downhill from there. We paddle into the current. The current turns us around so sharply we almost capsizes. We try again. And again. Then another seventeen times. We sort of took it as a personal insult from nature and we challenged it right back.
Then we came to our senses and got out and pushes the kayak through the current to the otherside of that one bridge (the bridge near my busstop) and get in. We managed to sillily row in place long enough for a family in canoes to pass us the other way and look at us strangely. Then we got stuck again in the bridge so I was getting out to pull, but the current was so strong it was pushing me over. Like literally, i didn't know that little creek currents could be so strong! I was trying to get back into the kayak and it was getting away from me and it was one big yelling fest and I manage to capsize the whole kayak with Emily still in it. Skillz, i know.
From there it was really crazy, we were laughing/yelling to death trying to get back to the boat or onto higher ground and we all wash up back on the otherside of the bridge. Once the laughing subsides I realize I lost my paddle. Wow.
After tipping water out of the kayak (sort of, there was still one or two inches left, but hey that's nothing considering how much water there was in the creek) and looking for the paddle we decide to just go home anyway because we were getting late for dinner. 10 yards later, hey look! My paddle. Except for, oh no, we capsize again while trying to get to it! We were just struggling to dump all of this water out of the kayak and Emily saved a giant spider when my dad pull up on his bike and helps us beach it (they could see us from the porch at my house so he came to help. I went back and got the kayak later.) So Emily and I get to walk down the side walk soaking wet and very muddy wearing our life jackets and carrying very long paddles. W00t.
Needless to say towels and dry clothes were deployed and the story told.

And I thought the funniest thing that I did that day would be the Spanish Script (haha, rebecca, it's great! We made it interesting at the end, emily and I pull pistolas on eachother and you come in with wellington who was eating emily's food and she runs off... we just need to show you lol)

Adios mis amigos. No se porque yo estoy hablando en espanol. Lo siento a las personas que no habla espanol. Que lastima. Evi esta yendo a la cama muy comodo. Estoy cansada. Muy cansada. Too tired for sleeping.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Aaaaand I'm back! (queue fanfare)

Back from my cabin. that went freaking faaaast. where has the weekend gone! aaagh! it's an A week up ahead! Auggh! playing tests! Auugh social studies essay test! Auuugh science hurricane project! eek. i'm psyching myself out and the week hasn't even started. but here are some finer points about what happened at the cabin: (sorry if this is long, a lot happened and i've been dying to write some stuff down.)

-The way there was a blast. A lesser being may have gone crazy and fidgety and sore in a 3 hr 13 minute car ride, but i thought it was pretty cool. It was really dark half the way and raining buckets the whole time. Also, my brother decided to play the NMH album we have all the way through. We unofficially appointed ourselves NMH's unofficial back up vocals since we've memorized like every song. Don't worry, the music was so loud that we couldn't hear each other. Very very very tragically, my dad interceded before we could have and Awesome MGMT Marathon.

-When we got there, the cabin was turned off. As in like no running water or electricity. And it was cold. The cabin started at like 42 degrees and was at 46 when we finally went to sleep. sloooow heaters. So it was like 10:45 when we got there and we were all really delirious with cold and tiredness (i fell asleep in the car for like .5 seconds a billion times) but we were all cracking jokes about how if we went to sleep we'd never wake up. Then when we finally did get to bed, our cousins arrived. Everybody ended up staying up until one. i'm sure you can all understand me decapitating my brother when his alarm woke up both up at 6:10.

-We raked soooo much as always. you may ask "why rake in the spring?" the answer is we don't rake the cabin in the fall. It wasn't bad though by any means. We cleared a bunch of young green things of icky brown blankets that stopped the sun and warmth and rain from helping them grow. That on it's own is nice. Okay picture this: there are roughly EIGHT gigantic trees in the front (back to all those lake folk) yard. Every single leaf from every branch landed on the ground. that's a lot of leaves. But i listened to podcasts (3 whole ones) while I raked or made up RIDICULOUS word-by-word stories with my cousin Tara. (word by word is when one of starts with "once" and then the other will say "upon" and so on.)

-Yag! I am going to chop off my hair ASAP! kill! it got really annoying up at the cabin and my hairbinder was malfunctioning and i forgot to bring my bandanas. I asked my uncle if there were any up at the cabin and he said that my Grandma Patty had a ton of head scarves and to check in her drawers in her old room. I found a pretty cool silky US flag one and wore that for the duration of my stay. My dad and my uncle got freaked out because apparently i look soo much like the grandma i don't remember and act like her too. I was just like reading in a chair with my feet uup on the nearest couch and he was like "aa! grandma patty used to do that!" The un-kinder and younger hooligans aka my brother and cousin said that I just looked like Axl Rose from Guns and Roses because he always wore that kind of bandana. I prefer Jesse James, thank you very much.

-Wow, i guess not much else happened, we mostly just hung around ate junkfood (mind you we certainly worked that off) made messes and had to clean them up eventually.

-ACTUALLY! There was still ice on the lake and it was really cool! when we first got there there was ice covering the half farthest away from us but it drifted toward us by morning. The lake is huge so if you looked right it looked just like the melting arctic. Then before we left, my dad took us around in the canoe! it was like canoing in one of those punch bowls that have ice floating around in them. By us i mean nobody besides one of my cousins and me were adventurous enough to actually do it.

This is going to be a hard week. i am so frustrated when ever i think about it that i want to start throwing things. Lappy, I guess you're first. Emigga, signing off. (hurls lappy)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

They're way more funny this way

that randomizes frames from different garfeild strips and combines them. it is sooo hilarious.

don't be sad if i don't respond to something until sunday, i'll be up north.