Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I don't know what you guys thought by the poll, but when I said "I" I meant the person taking the poll, not like me.

But heres some random things i've drawn/painted. Click on them to make them bigger.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Pandora and Vague Day

I just want to share this cool website w/you guys.


It's really cool, you just type in your favorite band or whatever and it comes up with a list of songs that you'll like if you like the band and play them forever as a radio. If you don't like a song it's playing then give it input and say that you don't like it by clicking the thumbs down button. It's made by the input that millions of people have put it.

On another topic I've decided it's too hard to say cryptic things so the Slatish holiday Cryptic Day, that I made up, has been changed to Vague Day, because you know... that's sorta like.. if you said something... you know.. like that.

It's on November 10th.


It's like OVA! noooooo! MEA was shear bliss! (minus like hours of homework) I want to have free time without homework hanging over my head! I want to liiiveee! I want to be freeeeeeeeee! I want to murder Science class with a blunt ax!!!

Here's a list of what I want to acheive without having to worry about homework or like anything at all!

-staying up really really late
-Reading all of my awesome books
-listening to the coolest audiobook ever while sketching
-painting downstairs
-hanging w/ friends, going to movies, wading in the gigantic puddles at the park etc.
-taking walks w/ ipod
-writing ALL of my story ideas
-sleeping until 11
-playing the flute just to make pretty celtic low music, not all of this crappy music theory suckfest.
-posting on my blog
-Sighing and frowning less than a billion times a week.
-Be able to look at my calendar and only see Slatish and actual holidays and cool things like "library books due" or "freetime, have fun!"
School is really getting to me!!! (shrieks) (rips at hair) (anguished, distant scream of "AND IT'S STILL THE WEEKEND")

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Self Portrait

Just throwing this out here. I took some artistic license and it's really really hard to make a face you draw look like a recognizable face of a real person. But this is like my first ever head close up drawing since the self portraits in like 1-5th grade. Soooo yeaaaahhh.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Soooo... bout this one story....

I am at loss of ideas for this part of this one story. The story's (rough draft) name is Eshebasi Calling of something along those lines. (this is another thing that I made up last year, like literally a year minus a week ago, that I'm restarting and reobsessing over. This is actually like my only tie to sanity cuz i'm so busy. I haven't written much of it at all but in classes when i can zone out i've plotted some of the plot.)

I'll put it reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyyyyyy simply and roughly this way (if you die laughing at me I will beg you to forgive me) So there's the main character, Rena or somebody who grows up in thredan w/mother. Mother is part of the (under concern of sounding cliche and weird) elite/royal gaurd (called the Mercy, but that's a whole nother story) of the Royal family and specifically the heir of the city across the ocean, Eshebasi.

The mother is only on temporary leave (I don't know why) from her job and will return to Eshebasi w/her daughter when her daughter is like 17 or something.

Getting to the point of this post, the tradition of Eshebasi(ans?) is at a certain age just below coming of age, maybge around 17 (hint hint) a child escapes from the jurisdiction of the parents for one month. This is made to broaden your experiences, opportunities and meet new people your age. Eshebasi has few written down rules and mostly relies on the queen/empress/silverlady's word to who has to be thrown in jail. So there are little restrictions from the law unless you happen to fancy committing treason or starting a riot (to phisoa: it might not be a good idea to petition the royal house either. that's probably treason). After this month is up you will be expected to work for the Mercy, so don't blow your job either.

So the question here is, if you had a month to do what ever (and everything) the heck you wanted, what all would you do? (there is some, but minimal magic most revolving around Eshebasi, you have basically unlimited money, but for food, shelter etc. not for like buying your own castle. this is medieval setting. Go crazy.)

Sunday, October 14, 2007


So... I'm going to scrape up some things to post about. Pardon me if my capitalizing of letters is lax, but i'm on the laptop and the shift key is really a lot shorter than the key on my actual computer keyboard so instead of shift i keep on hitting the up button and it screws everything up.

So i read like a billion extremely awesome books last year for the first time and now i'm rereading them and enjoying them all over again. So I picked up Hawksong at the library. I got obsessed with it last time i read it and now i'm obsessed with it again!! Even more, I went to the author's site again and i found out that she had another book in the series come out, this september! (it's not at the library yet ;_;) But the last book that i've read from the series was more than a little bit of a disappointment at the end... and more than sufficiently awkward... I can only hope this new book is less so.

So I started hawksong like the day before yesterday (reading it only before i go to bed, and i'm trying to draw it out) and i'm so close to the end i'll probably finish it tonight. Then i'm most likely gonna end rereading the whole series (minus the second book, the second book was subpar).

I'm also reobsessed with one of the stories that i started writing last winterbreak. It's called Prisoner Exchange (<3) style="font-style: italic;">Favorite band: Pink Floyd probably overall but right now i'm most obsessed with Black Rebel Motorcycle Club (don't worry, i laughed at the name too, but it's really just good alternative with a tiny bit of emo. not like whatever the name implies) and Radiohead (psychotic alternative).

Favorite Song: As of right now, The View, Weapon of Choice, Bury Me With It or Shine. But overall maybe Dogs, Wish You Were Here, Beautiful World.

Favorite Class: Non-existent art. But otherwise... umm probably Social Studies. Yes, definitely SS.

Anyway, it's late and i'm going to bed.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Still have a bad cold :-p

I will let this demonstrate:


Okay, it's not that bad because i'm actually gonna go to school today but jeez. I think i got my bro sick to :-p

Monday, October 8, 2007

Internet trouble

So i haven't been posting forever because the storm damaged my computer (and only my computer)'s Internet connection and it really sucks. so I have to go because I have to go.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Posting 123

Something weird that happened today, i was waiting for my dad to pick me up from the play practice and i waited for like 20 minutes until everybody else was gone except for this like 7th grade boy sitting across the side-walk place from me. Eventually he mumbled something, and i realized he was talking to me. He had a little speech about how the only thing worse than school was football and his dad was the football coach and wouldn't let him quit and how it was really boring and it took a long time. I nodded and tried to look sympathetic and threw in a "that sucks!" every so often. That was just about the weirdest thing i've ever seen... He was like confiding in a random stranger. I felt like some sort of phsyciatrist i was like "maybe you should talk to your dad about quitting..." and he's like "no, he never lets me". So that was sufficiently awkward and depressing.

On another note, I had a big mean fox terrorizing my little chicklings at play practice. We were practicing the curtain call, which called for a bit of waiting around in lines. And just by us storytellers and children was Lord and Lady Huffington. The lord guy was a boy that is in a few of my classes, and I know oh too well. I'll just call him Lord H. for the purposes of this blog.

I'm not quite sure what happened, but I think a girl in my group, A, got in a conversation with Lord H. and he ended up calling her weird. She didn't seem too phased but just for good measure I whisper to her "he's completely crazy, don't listen to him" and she laughed.

Later we were in a line against the wall in a wing of the stage and A. pulls me around (she's pretty strong for a tiny thing) and pushes me on her other side, so we basically switch spots. "Keep me away from the crazy guy!" She exclaims. I look to my left and see Lord H. I smirk at him. He says "Finally somebody who I can relate with!" "Why have you been terrorizing my Children?" I demand. In response he says "You hwarreaieoght...." Sort of fading off after the "hwarr" part. (He is completely and utterly weird like that.) Then goes "No, sorry, I didn't mean to say that, you know." I guess he was just in nasty mode? From calling all of my Children weirdos. Pfft. So I'm just like "God Lord H. watch your mouth and stop calling my children weird." In the backround you can heard my children being weird. He laughs and starts terrorizing someone else. It was very strange.

Oh, and my friend started a food fight during lunch today! It was awesome!