Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ummm... my bad...

Sorry for all of you hot weather lovers... I guess all of my negative thoughts about spring repelled the hot weather and we're back to November weather (^.^) all apologies. I will never pine for summer again. This year, at least.

So I just graced the End of the Year Highschool Debate Banquet with my presence, and it was cool because emily was there. There were some funny speeches and videos and our brothers were named team captains. It was mostly a blur of thanks, memories, crazies, mexican food, the occasional bad hair cut and janitors scaring the crap out of me and emily.

The green team speeches did NOT turn out so hot. I never knew how disorderly connectimes were before. running around in he hall and throwing stuff? I ask you... nevermind.

Tomorrow is the band concert and i get to miss science (whoopeee!) and you have to dress up... which is fine with me, i'm just going to wear a black pantsuit dealy and I sorta wear that anyway... soo.. all i'm missing is shoes. i don't think my awesome boots would cut it. I AM sick OF ENCANTO. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick of it! and it's further ruined by the fact that like every other band has or is doing it.

Hmm in terms of music, I've just gotten a bunch of totally auksome albums, like two Low ones (I love the song "that's how you sing amazing grace" though i'm totally hooked on sunflower by listening to it from youtube) and Death From Above 1979 which is completely awesome. And with my new found internet on my compy I have gone on a complete spree by buying two songs, Requiem For The Dying Song by Flogging Molly on their new album Float! Float is really good, i want to buy more of it. The other song is just good for writing, Possession by somebody or other.

This weekend and my sorta homeworkless night tonight have lead to Drawing! It's really awesome, I love having time to draw. My weird princess bride drawing has actually really grown on me, and I just made a new one that's dece and another one that is... in progress >.<>

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I forgot/just realized how much i hate heat. Ick ick ick! no wonder November is my favorite month. I am just totally not loving it right now. the storm was sorta cool, but it was SO humid yesterday! Maybe i just need to acclimatize to the new temperature and everything will be just peachy... Did I just say "peachy"? I mean more bearable weather-wise. I talk a lot about weather on my blog, don't I? Maybe I just notice it a lot. anyway. I am hating this. I will die if I have to spend LRT AND science in sonny's room tomorrow again. I got so dizzy i was planning on fainting (you would too if you had sonny) it was so humid and stifling in there.

Once again, i invite everybody to both a pity party and a funeral. And it would be a totally mean joke to cremate me.

OH MY GOD. I just learned that our friend in Montana's fiance (we were going to their wedding this summer) died in a car crash! omfg!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

70th post! Umbrella Optional

This is my 70th post! Yay!

Books: I'm like in love with the setting in the Lioness Quartet and Protector of the Small series but the first two books of both of them are best. Ebeth, don't tell me what happens in the second two Protector books, I haven't read them yet XD. So I had no audiobooks so i put three on request and they're already in transit, so i'll have to walk up there and get them sometimes soon. The MCAs would be unbearable without thinking about my audiobook back home in a way.

School: The social studies unit right now is predictable, learning overkill, review etc. I mean we're talking about bias AGAIN. AGAIN! AUGH! Kill me now! not to mention my SS class is as dumb as dirt (at best, mind you.) I realized why i seem so (wince/flinch/cringe) "bubbly" during lunch. Picture being in solitary confinement for like a year or even a few months. Then you get to see your child, or friends or whatever, you aren't going to be quiet and brooding, or complain about how tired you are or what evs, you're going to be happy and talk as much as you can while your visit lasts. School is my solitary confinement. Except it can be worse. Somebody was like "oh no! You mean you don't know anybody in your classes?" and welllll... "Unfortunately not... it's worse, I wish i didn't know anybody in my classes..." Sigh. Need I rant about humanity?

Rain: It rained! when I went outside everything was soaked and I didn't even realize that it was raining before! I have been deprived of watching the Earth be cleansed with the water falling from the sky! I didn't even know it had been happening. that is sad. deprivation! i hope it rains again tomorrow and I'll totally go walking. umbrella optional.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Edit: I'm posting this from my NEW computer! It's a hand me down, but it is Fa-aa-aast! I had been drifting around w/the lappy and my brothers compy! now i have my own! my precious!

I'll try to keep this brief. Emisaca told me to get a really really big notebook to write down all of my tangents in, but my blog is sort of like that. Except for this way I get the satisfaction of making people read it. I don't remember if anybody has actually taken up my offer to refund their time. I'm not really sure how i'd do that. "here's 2 minutes and 47 seconds, have a nice day."

-Friday was one of the most miserable days in my 8th grade existence. Having a friday be an A-day was excruciating (think of it a bit of like nailing my wrists to a post). I feel completely alienated from everybody (i'm not stupid, I noticed before >.< but friday was particularity difficult) via not being on the same team as practically anybody. It was quite impossible to keep my few pieces of mind sewn together. I think I left a few on the front of the row desk in LRT next to kevin and danny with the bad hockey movie we watched.

-Things may or may not be looking up. I got 12/13 on the math practice MCA, which was very good. I was sort of freaked because I realized that I don't remember a single thing from Algebra and I thought it would be insanely hard algebra-full. I wish they had proofs on the math MCA, I could pwn them! Proofs are my specialty. QED. I just edited a craptastic part of my favorite story, so now that's out of the way. My flute is fixed. I just went shopping with my mom for the first time in like forever and because she hasn't spent money of my clothes like ever because I get so many handmedowns we bought got enough to last me for like 2 years. I am turning into a jeans person :-o dark jeans though. none of those baby-blue ones. And not flair. :-p
(augh, i'm not keeping this brief)

-My uncle and aunt are separating (apparently again, but i didn't even hear about that o.O). I feel soooo sorry for my cousin. He's the only one who's younger than me (few months) so I only get to baby him. It really sucks, but I can sort of see why. All I can say is that my aunt better still come over when my cousin does.

-I'll sum something up just with a quote from an MGMT song:
"there's a place I'd like to go somewhere out west,
it's not specific, and the pictures show it best.
I know there's trees I know there's sand and I know there's grass,
I know it's somewhere in the past. " That pretty much says it all. Maybe not the past part. Have I mentioned how much I like MGMT? ;)

-I may have been getting subliminal messages from The Waterless Sea, because i'm finding correlations between it and my Underground. Maybe someday I'll explain the Underground in it's entirety to people. But that will totally demolish any hope of being brief. Math and other low-attention classes are often 60% their subject 20% thinking about my Underground stories 2% thinking about other stories 4% writing them and the other 14% is really pointless doodling, like really really pointless, like I do the same 1 stroke 8 petaled flower ALL over.

-How was AT? I'm not really bitter about not getting in. At least we lost to the best. And at least we were laughing out lungs out in Sop's living room during it, to Phantom of the Opera, which is the only exception to the rule that nothing can be Epic and Stoopy at the same time.

~Jesse James/Stormalong/Elesar/Me

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A-day rant

back to school. I am effing tired, I tried playing DDR but I totally sucked, like I got rofl'd on songs that I can usually beat. Exhibit A. Exhibit B: I'm tired. Case closed. If I'm still up at midnight thirty I'll post again on my blog. It keeps me sane. wait! did I just say keeps me sane? Umm... how about: keeps me from... ... .... cannibalism. yeah. That's pretty much it. you don't know how long it took for me to come up with that.

anyway, classes are luckily pretty slacker. no current events (probably) w00t! that make my life soo much better. Speaking of making my life better, I find it really sad that I have to give myself reasons to get out of bed on A-Days otherwise I'd just lay there and fake sick or dead.

Me: I have the typhoid! And the cholera! Go away! Save yourself!
Parent: Those are gold rush era diseases...
Me: So...?
Parent: Ummm?
Me: oops, i died.

that would be my A day. But to avoid having to fake dead (possums have it easy) and because of lack of sand to stick my head in (ostriches do too!) I just have to look forward to knowledge masters tomorrow. yay! and ANTM. yay! and um... umm... uh... well... ehhh... well... that is... such as... uhmm... mmmm.. mhm... not having gold rush era diseases? You seriously gotta make the little things count for survival's sake. Like tomorrow is one day closer to Bush being out of office and one more day that I get to listen to MGMT. W00t? i guess...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

break=bliss me=randocrazy

I looooove that it's only tuesday. randocrazy incoming

-A few days ago i played ITG (harder/better form of DDR) with my brother, which was cool. I mean spending time with your 17 year old brother when he actually wants you there is a plus. I never thought that i'd regain my summer callouses until around july, but doing ITG barefoot on the metal dance pad proved that theory wrong. So yeah, the only minus is that he kept on telling me to put on shoes and use the bar (there's a bar on the back of the pad for support) but I'm too small to reach the front arrow and hold the bar at the same time >.< I think it was designed for bigger people, or I'm just used to the smaller squish pad and shoes are a liability, you can't feel the pad at all. Obviously, ITG is awesome.

-Found a cool place in the middle of a cattail field that's trampled down and cool to hang in. I wish it was... more in the middle though, but I think we'd probably hit some sort of pond.

-I wish I wasn't in Minnesota. I wish I was in Ireland or Montana mostly. Well actually almost anywhere would do. Except for like... Tennessee. But ooooooh well. It's break so that totally does not matter!!! I will revel in the (sigh) very nice packing snow? I made a crocodile sculpture.

-Blah blah blah, MGMT is still auk-some. One of their songs is a really awesome critique of pop culture/celebrities. Totally owns. I'm not really sure what to call their music, it's like a bit of techno/electro eighties and i guess alternative rock. I want more post-hardcore-emo-alternative-punk-dream pop! (emily, you know what i'm talking about) like Kennedy by Kill Hannah. I guess i'm just a sucker for the voice and catchyness.

-I believe I'm going to be mocked for saying "Dateful Gread" for the rest of forever. What can i say, it was late, i was slurring my words. Speaking of slurring my words, I am so out of it as of like 6 o'clock (it's nine 30 now). I'm not sure if I'm sick, or tired or dehydrated or all of the above. But this is not a fun way to spend break. I'll just try to sleep it off, and if that doesn't work, then i've narrowed it down to two. Anyway, so if I die, you guys are all invited to my funeral. so ummm ya, that was weird. bring flowers. and chocolate. for my afterlife. (o.O)

-I want to do something different with my hair when I cut it. (don't worry, i'm not about to go Christian siriano on you.) just like a "v" shaped line instead of straight or something random like that. Mohawk time! no, i look really bad with hair shorter than my shoulders. it's insanely poofy. think

-Sorry, that was random. i will spend this last bullet further wasting your valuable time by apologizing for wasting your valuable time! I am Cordially Sorrye and I will, as always, refund it if you wish. Your time will be emailed back to you in 1-2 months by one of our caring employees. i assure that our readers are our highest priority and we almost value you.