Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Colds should be freakin illegal

ick. my cold came back just in time for school. joy. i mean, who wouldn't want a sore throat and runny nose to go hand in hand with school induced fatigue and suffering?

I need to do my science current events. But i don't want to. really really badly. Le sigh. I'll start it after this blog post. Today at school wasn't actually that bad. I woke up 20 minutes earlier than I needed to (and like an hour after i should've fallen asleep) and in post-sleep delirium, I thought that my my mom was in there waking me up telling me that she had checked my planner and that all of my projects were due today. What a nightmare. Skipping breakfast was sad-face but i didn't get hungry (i ate my connect time snack purely out of knowing that i'd be hungry for lunch, guess what. I wasn't). Span was easy and the teacher seemed somewhat unprepared. which is fine with me. i read Inkheart because I don't have anything else to read.

I believe that my sandwich from lunch deserves an honorably mention on my blog. It was like gross bread plus way to much in the way of peanut butter and jelly. It was more of bread-coated slime. I wanted to pull it apart slowly and watch the bread slowly disintegrate, but mira threw it away for me. sad-face.

anyway, today was good, but tomorrow is going to SUCK. BADLY. DDDDAAAAANG. sciencesciencescience ick ick ick ick. I want to skiiiiiiiiiipp. there is no reason left for me too liiiiiiivvveeee.... and i like exageratiiinnnngggg...

AT on friday, w00t. I don't know who we're up against, but we'll crush them all!! (preferably stupid and confused 7th graders that don't know up from down. we could own them!)

I'm not getting any better at guitar hero. but what evs. medium is just fine for me. oh, sit ups in gym on wednesday! what better way to start the day than a grueling sit-up test? well, just about billions upon millions of things. on that topic, last night I turned on my audio book, turned off the light and lay down. To find that I wasn't the least bit tired and it was like 10:30. I'm used to going to bed like at twelve, but I woke up early the morning before so that I'd be prepared. But nooooooooooo. So I like jumped right back up and actually like did sit ups and stretched, and ran around my room a few times. I know, weird. it helped a bit and I can at least say that i fell asleep before 1. insomniac.

wish me luck on my current events.

so. life goes on. sadly.

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