Thursday, January 17, 2008

Le sigh

I wish it was fall, or summer, or some season where you don't have to dress like an eskimo just to have some "fun and frolic" outside. aka I want to go places and do things without having to worry about a. kleenexes or lack there of, b. the cold, getting cold, and having like 7 layers on and c. it gets dark at like 4 so once you get back from school you only have like an hour to be outside. sigh.

okay, so in SS we got a packet to read about Hiroshima and bombing of it. It's really opinionated and sort of biased. half of the class got a "pro bombing" packet and half got the con. Lucky me, I got the con! I happen to not be completely sure that agree with it. I agree that involving mass amount of civilian casualties in a war is TOTALLY BAD and i do not agree with that, but hmm. so i just finished the packet and it's like totally brainwashing. I want to believe everything that it says in there and hate Truman etc. etc. but that's just exactly what it's trying to make me think. I want to read the other paper really badly. I really hope that it doesn't come to splitting the class into two halves and having us do the paideia seminar in a debate fashion. I'll just be sitting there not arguing but contradicting everything i deem illogical. But i also think it is REALLY ANNOYING AND STUPID that we had to read these papers! couldn't he just give us all of the facts in a an unbiased way and let people form our own opinions? oh yeah, i forgot, a lot of the people in my class (cough, they don't know what democrats are, cough) aren't CAPABLE of forming their own opinions beyond agreeing with what their parents say so i guess they just have to FEED US other people's because we couldn't possibly already have one and NOBODY has the cranial capacity to actually fabricate one! *insert lion roar here*

okay, i'm done. wow that was a long sentence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats how i feel