Thursday, November 6, 2008


I am not happy. there is nothing to make me happy except for some funny interaction with friends during the day. I am NOT digging the 11 hour days. Or the three hours of homework. Of the 14 hours of misery that I call days. There are highlights. but they mostly blur. I can't wait till the performance, then I will actually have time! And the performance is going to be great! (i pray!)

Okay I'm also pissed off. When I come out from play practice it is raining (yay) as me and my mom drive home it's REALLY raining (YAY!) it's raining when I get out of the car (yay) then I run inside, dump my backpack and run outside. It is not even close to raining. No moisture is falling from the sky. You couldn't get wet if you tried (unless you roll on the grass). WTH?? WHAT? WHY? THE BEST THING THAT HAPPENED ALL DAY! RAWR. THE GODS HATE ME, I SWEAR. -.- grumblemumble

I'm also pissed off about various things that happened at play practice but that would take hours just to write.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:( I'm sorry.

Is one of the play practice things the Creeper? Ugh.

Rain, rain, come to stay, still be here another day.

And Obama should make you happy!