Monday, June 23, 2008

9 feet?!

ZOMG forget posting about the cabin, I did a song on ITG (in the groove, it's like DDR but a better, harder version) that was 9 feet! (the songs' difficulties are measured in feet, it's not like you need 9 feet to do that song) that's crazy! I can't do a lot of 8 footers! It really helped because my brother's friend was doing the song too (he's so good at it) on the metal pad next to me so I could hear all of the weird rhythms. Then I realized it was almost midnight so I went to bed. Which really sucked because I was planning dinner after ITG... So the moral of this story is eat your dinner at 6 like a good sheep.

Anyway, cabin highlights: it was le amazing.
-Watching sunset and stars come out while laying on dock. go solstice!
-Total lack of pagan rituals during summer solstice (le sad)
-Being in the guest cabin so didn't have to tolerate adults.
-Boat trips! /swimming/tubing/kayakakakaking.
-Harvesting own clay from the bottom of the lake and making shapes and stuff with them and having the clay dry on the dock in the sun. I'm going to bake them now, then paint them :)

Okay, onward. So I was reading this book, Book of Shadows and it had a lot of stuff about Wicca in it. (you should have seen this coming, after like Slatism) Wiccans have covens!! blah! Let me just say that right now! So you are all thinking "she thinks witches are cool...?... like evil spells and such?" because you are a sad victim of the media and stereotypes like the rest of us. No, Wiccans celebrate nature and solstices. Wiccan isn't at all contradictory to being like Christian for instance:
Me: So, what do you think about Nature?
Christian: It's a brilliant creation of God.
Me: Yeah, exactly. So, what about a religion celebrating nature?
Christian: Hmmm...
Me: What about Wiccan?
C: No! They are Witches. witches, by definition, sell their souls to the devil.
M: What if they don't believe in the devil? How can you sell your soul to something you don't believe in??
Anyway, wanted to get that out of my system, I know i'm being stereotypical, i'm just playing off popular belief. Anyway, Wicca is cool. (i'm not exactly practicing it... I'm still slatish (lololol)... so far.)

Five more days till i'm old enough to legally drive a boat! (I drove it for a while anyway wahaha)

PS: Funniest thing ever: since Wiccans get such bad rap, telling your family that you are Wiccan is called coming out of the broom closet. lololololol

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