Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Well that sucked.... Next!

Ick. today was an absolute suck fest. rawawrerirghg. I feel very much nazgulish. incase my rawr-idge didn't alert you of that. A bit like the witch king, actually. who has probably THE BEST LINES IN THE HISTORY OF ALL MOVIES! god, he is like the thing most deserving of the word epic. EPIC. EPIC!

well my complaining didn't last very long. i got a bit side tracked while thinking of the Witch King (swoon).

Anyway, every little bit of my day sucked, with very few bits that didn't. i woke up at five, fell down the stairs and went to school. spanish was pure torture, LA was decent and I have spent way too long on my science homework. Gah!! don't get me started on current events. i'm in denial mode. as in, if you mention it i flip out inside. i haven't done anything. so i'm a bit panicky.

That oracle new what she was talking about when she said "beware the (aides?) of march" solofest is on the fifteenth of march, and girl scouts Feed my starving children right afterwards and AT right before.

i just effing want to go to sleep but i need to memorize my spanish and do solofest and current events. and possibly fit some dinner in there. but that's low on my priorities list.

speaking of which, i highly recommend whole grain pop tarts. in general. They are delicious and you can justify eating them because they actually have a decent amount of whole grain in them. They usually constitute my 9:00 dinner when i forget to have one.

You may ask, she seems busy and pissed, why is she spending time to write on her blog? i need to vent!!!! i'm just venting. probably not very pleasant to read. my apologies, if you want your three minutes back, i would be happy to give you a refund.

In conclusion, I order everybody to go watch Return of the King this instant a. because it is an amazing movie and b. To admire and worship every word that comes out of the Witch King's (mouth? in the loosest sense of the word) and admire his ttlyhawt looks. Thank you that is all.



Will said...

Doesn't the witch king wear a mask the whole time?

Elesar said...

Yeah, more of a helmet really. But it's not like he has a face anyway.

Emily said...

my best friend's slowly going insane... she thinks she's a nazgul and fawns over a nazgul's looks *cry* WHAT'S HAPPENING TO THE WORLD!?

Anonymous said...

the witch king? woooow maggie! :D

so. dont worry, ill still be your friend, even if you are insane :D

i must say, you come up with the best titles for blog posts.

Elesar said...

Thank you, maybe insanity boosts blog skills. Who said i'm SLOWLY going insane. aren't I already there? Didn't I get here pretty fast? I don't know.

I still have one friend, even though i'm insane! That must take some skills...

Anonymous said...


always your friend, maggie. unless you kill someone (tee hee :D) that i appreciate. then you are evil! :D

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just saw the clip of Iron Jawed Angels. I need to see that movie! It looks amazing.

Elesar said...

Yes! you do! It's epic! Yes!

Anonymous said...

ill need to find it somewhere

Elesar said...

you can request it at the library online.

Anonymous said...
