Thursday, May 15, 2008


Wow. That was a weird day. Here is just a sliver: The Fated To Be Bad Kayakakak Tip:

Okay, me and emily are both in my single kayak. It's our first run of the season and we weren't hitting many major snags, but we were hitting eachothers' paddles. That was all well and good until we hit like some sort of trip wire. It was so weird! It was like tied around this tree that was hanging out into the water and connected to land and I got soooo stuck in it. After that, we continued onward about like 10 yards. Then we hit the rapids. It all went WAY downhill from there. We paddle into the current. The current turns us around so sharply we almost capsizes. We try again. And again. Then another seventeen times. We sort of took it as a personal insult from nature and we challenged it right back.
Then we came to our senses and got out and pushes the kayak through the current to the otherside of that one bridge (the bridge near my busstop) and get in. We managed to sillily row in place long enough for a family in canoes to pass us the other way and look at us strangely. Then we got stuck again in the bridge so I was getting out to pull, but the current was so strong it was pushing me over. Like literally, i didn't know that little creek currents could be so strong! I was trying to get back into the kayak and it was getting away from me and it was one big yelling fest and I manage to capsize the whole kayak with Emily still in it. Skillz, i know.
From there it was really crazy, we were laughing/yelling to death trying to get back to the boat or onto higher ground and we all wash up back on the otherside of the bridge. Once the laughing subsides I realize I lost my paddle. Wow.
After tipping water out of the kayak (sort of, there was still one or two inches left, but hey that's nothing considering how much water there was in the creek) and looking for the paddle we decide to just go home anyway because we were getting late for dinner. 10 yards later, hey look! My paddle. Except for, oh no, we capsize again while trying to get to it! We were just struggling to dump all of this water out of the kayak and Emily saved a giant spider when my dad pull up on his bike and helps us beach it (they could see us from the porch at my house so he came to help. I went back and got the kayak later.) So Emily and I get to walk down the side walk soaking wet and very muddy wearing our life jackets and carrying very long paddles. W00t.
Needless to say towels and dry clothes were deployed and the story told.

And I thought the funniest thing that I did that day would be the Spanish Script (haha, rebecca, it's great! We made it interesting at the end, emily and I pull pistolas on eachother and you come in with wellington who was eating emily's food and she runs off... we just need to show you lol)

Adios mis amigos. No se porque yo estoy hablando en espanol. Lo siento a las personas que no habla espanol. Que lastima. Evi esta yendo a la cama muy comodo. Estoy cansada. Muy cansada. Too tired for sleeping.


Anonymous said...

i didnt know you had a kayak! i say we have a kimwc kayaking trip. thatd be interesting (epecially the part where we try to fit three people into a single kayak :P)

the script sounds awesome. cant wait to see it :) i see you made progress since tuesday.

Elesar said...

Lol that trip sounds more like a capsize to me. xD

we definitely have some progress :)

Anonymous said...

Woah, Maggie.... commenting at 5:08 AM? Either my clock thing on this is broken, or you need to be getting more sleep (or both ;P)

Elesar said...


Anonymous said...

Lol, I was just watching the video for "Time To Pretend".... um... let's say it's not rated G, with all of the lyrics and drugs and stuff... but tis still a good song. I especially like the part "I'll miss the playgrounds and the animals and digging up worms
I'll miss the comfort of my mother and the weight of the world
I'll miss my sister, miss my father, miss my dog and my home
Yeah, I'll miss the boredem and the freedom and the time spent alone."

Elesar said...

Yeah, it's sorta supposed to be R. It's like a critique of the Pop culture media figures. it pretty much makes fun of celebs.