Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Sky

So I had this bright idea on gmail chat with my friend:

me: we should each come up with a RANDOM topic and share it on the count of three and the other person has to write a sizable post about it
within reason
Phisoa: deal
me: okay
you ready?

I ended up with the sky as my topic, she ended up with onions. Where do I start? First one must define "the sky" that was probably an idea coined by some primitive mideival peasants, really it's just the atmosphere reflecting something or other and then beyond that is space, where there is no up and down. So really, the sky only exists if you are sitting on earth.

I love painting the sky. I have a whole painting with no land on it, it's just the sunset and night sky. It's sorta cool. You get to use blues then whites and light grays for clouds, and yellow-white for sun if its day and an awesome sort of colors for sunset/rise then dark navys blacks and silver for stars during night. It's like the coolest thing the paint.

Then let us appreciate all of the animals in the sky. I actually read a cool book where there were all of these undiscovered animals high in the sky, Cloud cats, a squid type thing and spiders. But all the we know about it like birds, umm and more birds. I may be having a braindead moment here, but I can't think of any other animals that go around in the sky? Birds are cool enough. They're all like "Kkkk-CAW". It would be awesome to still have massive birds around, like the Roc with a 20ish foot wingspan.

I have the phases of the moon on my iGoogle because the moon is pretty awesome. It's such a quinky-dink that we an only see one side of it. I forget, is it earth that casts the shadow on the moon that makes it wax and wane? I don't know. Oh but i remember that when the cresent goes ) that way it's getting bigger because it's like the bottom of the b and when it's like "c" then its declining because it's like the bottom of "d" Okay, that's enough about the sky, bye.

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