Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Oh god, school

Wow, today is the day we get our schedule, and our picture, and turn in all sorts of paperwork. Then school starts sometime early September. That ticks me off.

I mean come on. It's like a big 9 month joke.

Science: Since when is playing around with various solids liquids gasses and powders an essential part of our education? Plus we don't learn anything, they're just like "see if you can made this thing float!" And we're like YEAH we can, after 3 hours of guess and check. Then you get freaking graded on it. How is this important enough to take up an 1 hr 30 minutes every other day??? Plus homework!

Social Studies: What were these people on when they made unenriched SS in 6th, enriched in 7th and unenriched again in 8th??? They make a point of noticing that some people move at a faster pace than others in SS and could use a challenge, they dangle it over their head for a year, then take it away! Why? So they know that it's good for some people to have this experience, so why doesn't it go on? did they just have all the grades in a hat and pick out 7th for the one that gets enriched SS?

Math: Math is the one of the only things i can actually see a point in! But it bores the heck out of me? To me math should be called "Looking at Window and Clock + Homework at End"

LA: All of the books are about sad minority girls who you feel sorry for, until you read the 6th book in a row about them! We get it, some people lives suck and I have empathy for them. Oh, but wait, lets tear apart the story until its demoted from the wonderful work of art that it is into boring technical pieces that every story has to follow called the "climax" and "Exposition" but no, that's not enough. You need to have compound sentences and phrases, then interjections, verbs and nouns. Then prefixes, suffixes and don't forget vowels and consonants. God, could it get more complicated?

Gym: Three words: Let's play kickball! Or four words if a certain gym teacher was teaching you. He might need to count it on his fingers. And don't forget those annoying jock boys who do crazy things and get away with it.

Art: Ah, art. The blissful sanctuary in a school of madness. We don't even get it in 8th grade unless you sign up. I have.

Band: Ok, this actually has some sense. Unless you have a certain bad teacher. Maybe just because the only good teacher QUIT. gak.

Teachers: Ok, in total I've had threeish reading teachers, one who hated my guts. One who looked really sad every time she looked at me and had a really terrible way of grading and one who was a student teacher and didn't seem to like being in front of the class. Waste of time. I want all of those 45 minutes back! That's a lot of time! I feel older just thinking about it! Then there was a FACS teacher that was so bad that she might have been fired! Don't get me starts

Kids: Hockey sweatshirts, sparkly lip gloss and abercrombie everything pretty much sums it up. 7/8ths are dullards who think that school is just a social event and don't do their homework, or ask me how to spell "Pleasant", DURING spelling test.

There, was that a big enough rant?

Edit: I have an evil science teacher.


Phisoa said...

Hey, I'm a kid too!
*Goes off in tears*
I do have to agree with the rest of your rant, though.

Anonymous said...

Ah, stinks for you. You have... let me say "Ms. Hannigan" for your teacher. Ha.

Elesar said...

That's why i said 7/8ths are dullards! It doesn't count you. Lol, Ms. hannigan.