Thursday, August 30, 2007

Have A Giis Day!

Lissen up all you peoples that are reading this. Actually only you Kwano, because Phisoa and Mira already know this but we made up two new words that would be awesome if they spread.

Giis means good. Me and Phisoa were talking on gmail and she mis-spelled something because she had her eyes closed so I used it back to her and now I've decided it should be a word. Giis, no?

Graa: Introduced by miss Baby Miranda Gremlin when discribing phisoa and I's technique of making bookmarks by squeezing paint in folds of paper. "Are you going to make a new painting, that's not so... graaa?" The sentence was something like that, as Mira held an actual brush, painting an actual painting with an actual pallet. So its sorta hard to define without saying "graa" in the definition, but it must sorta mean wild, uncivilized, barbaric, unorginized. For instance: "The boys in our grade are sooo graa and not really giis."


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Giis= good, Graa= bad, so then Guuy should= okay. What do you think? If you don't like it, that's okay.

Emily said...

Awesome, yeah! pronounced "goy" or like "gooeeey" or "guy", the second two are already words though.

Elesar said...

That mira post was actually me, i didn't realize mira was locked into my compy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think it should be pronounced Goy.