in response to seeing emily's post
So yeah, I saw the golden compass too last night and i think it would be awesome to have a sparrow as my daemon. They're so cute! and pretty! and they're a bird! And not the kind that are used to flying far away, but only fluttering from place to place. that's why an eagle or hawk wouldn't be as great, they could fly but not more than a few yards above you.
I took a few quizzes online because I was bored. One said a snake, and the other said a black cat. because "cunning and wild. You tend to be into everything! (And sometimes you get in trouble.) You shy away from people that are loud and outgoing and consider you better than them, because silence is golden. You black fur matches your humor and view on life. Things are best when they aren't sugar coated and you tend to be pessimistic. Often misunderstood or mistook for a rebel or hell raiser, but you're just trying to be an individual. You like to watch more then to be seen. Your friends tend to be like you and other people bug you. Actually, people in general bug you." I love that one a lot, it tends to be pretty accurate describing me. And I don't think you could be allergic to your daemon.

what's the link?
that didn't really show up, but it's the first hit for google searching "whats your daemon"
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