Monday, December 22, 2008


It is winter break! infinite artistic freedom! Yay now I can live in my basement xD. Okay, I'm not exactly doing that but nothing is going to stop me from spending a few hours down there painting or whatnot. (or making christmas cards >.<) What I have discovered in this long process: green and red should have have been put together! Ickers, in my opinion.

WOOT. Emily showed me this awesome song. (here) It goes so well with my warlock story! It's so hard not to be writing while I listen to it, so I may actually try starting up the story again. gods know I have enough ideas. But seriously, the first stanza:
"I’ll seek you out,
Flay you alive
One more word and you won’t survive
And I’m not scared of your stolen power
I see right through you any hour"

zomg so that's not so impressive just written down but it's amazingl Zehrara-ish-like. Haha in sixth grade Zehrara gave me nightmares, in the totally awesome way. Hm I miss my Underground stories, maybe i'll start writing them in all my B-day classes (which are useless...)

Augh! I just realized in the course of me writing the last paragraph that my B-days are useless! We don't really learn anything significant in LA, Spanish is only useful for the first 10 minutes of learning a concept and the rest is review, health is slacker and common sense and I could learn math better from a text book!!! aaaaah! don't make me go back! please!


Happy Winter Solstice! Longest night of the year :-D pretty epic if you ask me.

On a random note relating to nightmares and night, I had another dying dream last night. It wasn't like the ones where I always have some sort of bizarre funeral in the woods and only Amish people attend (wtf is with the amish people?? don't they have anything better to do than going to my funerals?) This time I was being chased up a volcano by a person with a mace and then they caught up to me at the open lip of the volcano. Given the choice of death my mace and death by falling into lava I chose lava. The fall was terrifying :-o (That showed those Amish people! my body disintegrated in the lava, no funeral for me! wahaha i am so clever -.-)

Oh, I investigated a claim said by a certain er that "LeFay" was a welsh sea goddess, and Slaetish is "copying" even though i didn't know that when i made Lafae up (and she's not a sea goddess). But here's what I came up with when I searched "LeFay Goddess" on google:

There were pages and pages on google only about Morgan le Fay
So I wanted to see if there was a Welsh Sea Goddess with a similar name... but...:
  • Welsh
  • Sea goddess
  • Daughter of goddess Don

(Another rant about Inkheart, but I am deeply in love with that series! To see it butchered would make my soul weep. And they are going into Inkworld in the movie! In the first movie! They could do it so much more justice if they just kept them separate. Are they going to fight the adderhead?? read Cosimo back?? I haven't even seen Fenoglio in the trailer!! Are they just going to make Farid unimportant? Are they going to have the death exchange?? how much of inkspell will they drag in? Boo hiss, boo hiss.)

Anyways, everybody keep warm. Drink lots of liquids, it's very dry. Eight glasses a day...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

So the Inkheart movie is coming out this month. I revisited some of the old trailers of it... and they make me want to cry. okay not really but elinor is a gypsy, meggie is a silvertongue already, capricorn has a comical line about duct tape and mo has a line where he yells "YOU'RE GOING BACK IN THAT BOOK" as he's being dragged off. D: all of those combine for a really bad movie, and that's just in the trailers. sighsighisighsigh

god of i have nothing to post here because everything is sort of boring. it's just homework etc. but the girl scout thing tomorrow night will be pretty epic.

FALL WENT SO FAST because i never got time to enjoy it. First it was too warm but there were some really pretty vibrant colored trees, but a lot of them hadn't even turned yet. Then I have no idea what the weather was even like for a period of time because i had the play. Then all of the leaves were brown and it got really cold really fast and snowed. now it's like winter. Maybe I should give up on fall. :( Late summer seems much more enjoyable.
