Sunday, August 31, 2008

5 ( |-| 0 0 |_

Lol I dug deep back into the depths of my blog archives (oh by the way happy late b-day, blog! oh how you have kept me sane(ish)!) to see what I was saying about school this time last year I found my old poem:

T'would rather die
Than school supplies, buy.
T'would rather suffer Natazi's wrath,
Than sit a lesson of math.
T'would rather be open with defiance,
Than be quiet in science.
T'would rather tear off my own limb,
Than run a mile in gym.
T'would rather have my head be hanging by a strand,
Than have a playing test in band.
T'would rather vanish,
Than go to spanish.
T'would rather poke out my eyes with a comb.
Than miss the bus going home!!!

(sniff!) It's so beautiful, i think i'm going to cry! This amazing masterpiece of fine poetry inspired me to make another, with my new classes. blah blah blah disclaimer: i value my education, school isn't the worst thing that's ever happened, i'm taking some poetic liberties here and allowing myself to be negative.

Language Arts, who needs it?
I, frankly don’t give a (bit).
Health class will be quite ick,
The semester better go very quick.
Econ seems like it will be pretty lame,
I hope I won’t feel the need to set myself aflame.
Band, band, that class isn’t grand,
I just might just quit once I decide it’s too bland.
Spanish is always filled with stoops,
That is why I don’t like learning in groups.
In math I get so bored I want to cry,
I have it at the end of the day, I’d really rather die.
Physics, just more math and science,
I hate both and I’ll hate their alliance.
Government is replacing the history class,
Instead of saying something vulgar, on this one, I’ll pass.

(bows, dodges roses, blows kisses) Thank you, thank you, thank you very much. i know this is such a refined piece of literature! Best i've ever written! anyway sarcasm aside, this poem seems like it needs a beat while you read it. and no that does not mean that a wrote a rap song about school!!

anyway, on a different subject, I was listening to Revolution Is Not A Dinner Party, which is a book about the cultural revolution in China last night AND IT WAS SO SAD. i mean i really didn't expect any thing else, seeing as it's the cultural revolution. but it was soooo bad that I had to just turn off the CD player. I mean that's never really happened before with books, I always just make it to the end of the horrific scene and am sad, but like the whole thing went down hill. it had to get worse before it could better, but there is just no end in sight to the horror. It's one thing to read a nonfiction book about things like this, but it's another to read about somebody going through them. The worst part is that the main character is only like 11 so she doesn't get that what she found in her mom's room wasn't a close line or something, it was a noose!! So everytime the mom goes into her room for a while I hold my breath until she reappears in the story. But maybe now that the mom saw members of a different family who's mom committed suicide persecuted (by persecuted I mean like beaten half to death), she won't. Not that I could actually finish that scene. I turned it off as the sheet was sliding off the dead body. charming, eh. the whole "drawing a class line" thing to save yourself is so sickening i'm not even going to get into it.

On a happier note, uhh school. wow that really puts things into perspective ;-) oh! i was going through the first day of eighth grade from my blog, and it's so funny looking at my first reactions to my teachers and school:

-My "new motto for this school year is": Everybody Hates Everybody Else (more like i hate everybody but some people did not hate everybody else ;) yeah, anyway this was because nobody was sharing seats on the bus.) Right/Wrong

-My social studies teacher seemed: like a very angry person. Wrong

-Science was: really really boring. Right. The science teacher made us do weird things that she didn't explain. RIGHT. "Science: This is where I start losing faith in the human race." I'll just stop right there. CORRECT

-Falling back asleep when you wake up is a kind of bliss you don't appreciate until it's taken away. Right.

-Jesus! do you guys realize we got assigned the veterans project on the 25th of september?? that's brutal.

-Haha here's what i thought about spanish: Spanish: Umm, it's okay, we mostly just play games for extra credit. CORRECT.

anyway. that's sort of funny how much i got right with the first impression. so hopefully i'll still be able to squeeze my art into the school year. probs. i already collage'd the crap out of my accordion folder and some of my notebooks. that was fun. anyway maybe i'll go crai my eyes out listening to Revolution Is Not A Dinner party. kthxcrai. (WHY IS THE HUMAN RACE SO HATEFUL.) bai

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Links & weather coverage

Heh here's some random links that are rather funny:

Big fat truck commercial

Don't worry

Obama bin laden

Bwahahahaa. i thought rather than make you all cry about school, i'd add some laughs.

Now for all you Eragon fans, another piece of happy news: Brisingr out september 20th! I cannot wait to see Murtagh and the Ra'zac beat the freaking snot out of Era- oh wait, i meant the other way around... i'm sure. I suppose it's too much to hope that Saphira beats the snot out of Eragon. Maybe Galbatorix will, or like katrina or something. that would be cool. it's so lame the whole "rescue the damsel in distress" like seriously, Nasuada could pwn Katrina.

Edit: well it was lilly's B-day yesterday and guess what she got for her birthday. Two giganto storms. just the thing for a neurotic little dog like ours. (my parents made this website and flash after her). in fact, she's still enjoying her present! aka sitting on my feet and shivering/panting/comatose. It's just sort of ironic that we haven't gotten rain for a long time and it comes on her birthday in the form of a tempest. And even more irony, we get four days of sun after this, and it's supposed to get stormy again on the first day of... *shiver*.

So I managed to have almost as much fun as Lilly with the storm last night. me being sleep-deprived, i really wanted to sleep. haha, too bad! loud noises and bright flashes of light are by definition, the two things that keep people up . So I got to have all the shades down in my bro's room (he was at a s/o) and wear this fabulous pink butterfly face mask and listen to some of melting stones, pachebel's canon, sufjan stevens, tegan and sara but then I got really bored of easy listening after a further 30 min of new age so I went to Death From Above 1979. So I ended up falling asleep when the it (first storm of the night) ended. fun fun fun! you may ask why screamo music is preferable to occasional cracks of lightening, it's better to have something steady, no matter what it is, to focus on in the foreground, instead of falling asleep and jolting wide awake every time there's a loud noise.

PS: Yay rain! :-p

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Yay, music

Omg "someone to love" by Fountains of Wayne is such an awesome song to walk to. it's just like so epic. well not epic in an O'Fortuna or In Taberna Quando Somos way, but in an awesome way. but yeah, the actual band isn't that great, but Someone To Love is. Walking With A Ghost is also reallly reallly good. I'm hoping to get a lot of Tegan And Sara, their music is very cool.

On a random thought tangent I was reading Origins from the Sweep series and the end was so totally amazing. It helped that it was late and I was listening to whitenoisesuperstar (completely unmelodic album that was only released in Japan and has amazing amounts of noise) and walking with a ghost. Out of all that has happened in this long series, I ironically most enjoy the account of completely out of control magic that is so totally dark that it's scary. It was soo Zehrara-esque. see, I'm not the only disturbed writer! I just find the summoning, creepy, out of hand magic so much more interesting a subject than the "Expelliarmus!" kind. woo.

Augh! get connected day! WHERE DID SUMMER GO? WHERE IS "GET DISCONNECTED DAY" HELD? TAKE ME THERE! well i know i'm not alone in all of my classes, which is cool. but the rest of the people could be incurable sucktastic, close minded, obnoxious, nosy, loud, empty-headed, lemming-minded, unteachable stoooopies. bleh.

i'll post later complaining more about school, don't worry.

(Jog, fcexof, xjo fcexufj lcar uf ezofawo. fcoefyob fipsaf.)

ps Kanji is so pretty. english is practical but bland. the end >.>

Friday, August 15, 2008


ah summer. weather still=ick. freedom still=<3:D<3:D<3:D. thinking of fall still=breathlessanticipation + warmfuzzyfeeling. same old same old.

-I was biking to go feed kwano's kitties (they are so kewt!) and I was going through a neighborhood that was having the road resurfaced or something, so the road was lower than the side walk and the driveways. This was a big truck coming so I was trying to get onto the side walk via a drive way but though I noticed the gap, i still flew off my bike and smeared myself all over the drive way. I got this wicked concrete-burn on my shin and three cuts. the burn is really all that hurts like frikkin hades. it's really ugly-red-pink. so if somebody could lend me a hand-sized amount of skin, i'd be happy.

-The Olympics is/are? awesome. it will be sort of weird not having my cousin around to watch them until they end while everybody else is asleep. ah well.

-Speaking of kitties, I feel so cheated out of a future as a crazy cat lady. why am I allergic?! why?? Cleo was being soooo cute, i guess they're sort of attention starved. they'd like lay on the stairs on their backs and not stop mroowing until I gave them a proper amount of attention and then proceed to purr ceaselessly. I guess I'll just have to be a crazy chinchilla lady or something. or maybe just not be a crazy old lady, though that's sort of unavoidable.

-almost-ish done with great expectations. it's hard to get into, but there is no denying that Dickens is pretty awesome. i am in awe of his prettiness. or something like that.

So yeah, i'm strangely inspired so ima go do some arte.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I saw Flogging Molly live at the irish fair last night! omgfoeamfng it was awesome! Like they are amazing live, so much better than recorded because it's faster and the lead singer, who's an owner would like randomly go "people of minnesota!" during parts of a song. he was really hilarious. People kept on throwing their flip flops on the stage, at the front (we were like in the middle, it was an outdoor stage) and a beach ball was making rounds of course so he was like "where the hell are we, hawaii?" I couldn't see unless I stood on a chair, but the music was waay loud enough. I think my ears are still ringing. The best song was probably... devil's dance floor because the whistle is amazing live. Speaking of which, recently the lead singer married the fiddlist/whistler, which was weird because they'd been in the band together forevs.
Anyway at the end of the concert the stage went dark and they left, predictably, but nobody left and kept on clapping so the lead singer (David King) came back onstage. And he did Black Friday Rule, which is like the hardest song they have, with just him and his guitar! blahg, but it was still cool because it takes amazing skills to hold that big of a stage by yourself. And the band joined in like half way through, which was ownage and then even further after that they played Seven Deadly Sins because nobody was leaving yet. so that was extremely epic.

The Irish fair was cool, even besides Flogging Molly :-o If you decided to people watch, you would have been rewarded. There were a couple crazy bright red mohawks (how do you get a job with one of those??) plenty of kilts, and a bunch of awesome flogging molly T-shirts like mine. We didn't want to waste our food tickets so at the end we got a bakers dozen of "Maggie's Irish Cookies" we thought we should have a discount because we had a connor, a patrick, two johns and a maggie there. But we had a feeling that pretty much everybody there was named after a Saint.

Oh speaking of which, I was reading Breaking Dawn and it was talking about members of an Irish Vampire Coven and one of the members was named Maggie. And I'm like heckya, I'm a member of an irish vampire coven???!!! plus her character in the book was cool, what we saw of her, naturally. But not nearly as cool as Garret(t?) the revolutionary guy. he was a big owner, same with the Romanians. But they were more like big creepers.

So yeah, the Olympics opening ceremony was INSANE. (they should have spent some of that money on earthquake relief o.O) Like they did so many things! Only one of them would have still been memorable! But it was still awesome! Go China! it really sucks about the stabbing thing, like I feel really sorry for China, that must have been embarrassing. and of course the stabbed person...

bai. sorry if my thoughts were disjointed. my flow is MIA.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

94th post

wow a lot has happened since I last posted.

-breaking dawn came out, yaaaaay. i went to the midnight premiere, and we saw some people we knew from school. which was sort of awkward and we didn't end up saying hi. now i'm like 630 pagesish through it. or something. i'll need to rant about it once everybody has finished the book, but i probs won't do it on here. I'm trying to reading great expectations but it's impossible to have that compete with breaking dawn. I don't want great literature! I want trashy teen romance gol-darn-it!

-we have company at our house, my cousin and my aunt and uncle. and then at one point my cousins that live in st. paul stayed for two days. one word: people. auuaugiaugh. I mean they're all cool though my uncle gets on my nerves sometimes. but i can't just go upstairs with an apple to read without somebody going "where are you going?" "to read" and then they'll follow me up there, starting a conversation and I'm like "oh noes go away i'm an emo freak who doesn't like people". more like an introvert, but whatevs. I mean it is fun some of the time but I've got this cold and for a while I was really groggy and fatigued and people wanted me to like go places and do things, yeah right. I slept like 12 hours last night. :-O

-I went to this barbecue last night and omgbabieshappened. so I have these two cousins-once removed. for those who are as baffled by family trees as me, they are my cousin's babiespawnz. one is maren (not my neighbor, it's pronounced mare-en) she is really intelligent, but such an imp and fussbudget. then there's ryan(sp?), she's really adventurous and mellow. we brought these board books to the barbecue and maren was in my cousins arms and the books were on the table next to me. Maren pointed at the books and went "ga!" so I handed it to her, she chewed on it and gave it back, then wanted it again. We did this a few times until she held the book out to me, I reached for it and she snatched it away, laughing hysterically. she learned how to psyche people out! she's only like 15 months or something!

-lololol Little Miss Sunshine=best movie evar. I should have just played the end of it instead of making a debate against beauty pageants in LRT. soooo great. there's a bit of ohmu but not as much as definitely, maybe 0_0.

well yeah, summer is awesome. but it's too hot.

Edit: Oh weird i just had way too much fun on a dream interpretation site and I looked up "bus" because since i was in first grade, i've had a dream of missing the bus like 60 times a year, no joke, i've never caught it. Here's what it says under bus:
To dream that you are riding a bus, implies that you are going along with the crowd. You are lacking originality and are taking no control over where your life is taking.
Now that makes me feel empowered!