FTP: I just got home from the Freshman Thespian Project meeting (it's not actually called FTP, but somebody proposed to call it that during the meeting so what evs, that works). It was really fun. so what happened at first was I got directions to the office of VV and stood there for like a minute looking unsure, then Greg, one of the leaders, decided that the dorky girl looking unsure was probably me and directed to me to the hallway were the crowd was waiting. Yes. I mean the crowd. It was frikkin crazy. There were only supposed to be 5 people from VV but there were like 14! Lets just say everybody and the reception I got was... very... very.... verrry friendly. I got swallowed by the mass of people as soon as I was introduced. I seem to remember shaking like three hands at once and some people's hands like for three minutes or three times, because they all wanted to assert their craziness. when i was wondering why there were so many people I got the explanation "We're just their fan club" and the people who were actually in it were pointed out to me. Then the list of other peeps that were coming from SV was squeezed out of me, with varying degrees of enthusiasm from the crowd. i got warned against this guy in a green shirt, which was sort of disconcerting. we decided the dates of meeting and played some get to know you acting games. It was like 2 hours long, but pretty fun.
YAC: the young author's concert was pretty epix. it is such a creative atmosphere, compared to like what.. i don't know.... school?! I wrote two poems I'm really happy about, decided who's going to die at the end of my assassin story (:D) but I won't tell! if i ever get it presentable, i want you guys to be surprised. i want to make you guys crai and go 3mo wahahaha. but the first class was also insanely fun, I had a really fun table and we made up a story called "The Dragon Tunnels" with Jaquist, our main hero in a fantasy story. He's the angsty brooding 17 year old boy type of character, who is getting revenge on the dragons because Rasokan, the dragon king and his minions killed his mom, dad, brother and dog. It starts with the same line it ends with, which is with Rasokan dying above ground at Jaquist's sword. Pretty cliche, but we had a lot of fun writing it.
GLC: gull lake cabin ;) here are some highlights from my cabin, for those who haven't already heard:
-My aunt was running, and this dog ran after her and bit her in the leg. It was a foster dog for the ones who owned it, they were really sorry, and brought over some wine.
-Badminton! woo! we played a lot and I finally am making my serve mediocre.
-There is this hole, like really big hole under our dishwasher where small creature such as... lets say, chipmunks can get in. Emphasis on the "chipmunks can get in"! as in one did, like three times and we chased it out with a broom.
-My cousin's friend was there, which was annoying because i had no warning, and I wish I brought a friend because they get really obnoxious when they're together. they also... um.. like boywatching. so while we're just walking they were always going "OH EM JEE!" and point at some guy or another. uhmmm, aawwwkwarrd. but she left, and my cousin wasn't so obnoxious.
the end.
ps: spoiler warning!
Some people seem to be forgetting the epicness of the Witch King so I need to refresh your memories.
School Rant of 2009
15 years ago