Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Out of my mind, be back when winters over!

I will be out of my mind until April 1st, 2008. In case of an emergency you can reach me


or here.

Sorry for the inconvenience but I was going mad.

(da-ng it is cold out there! have fun in your minds, i won't miss mine!)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

I miss the sun almost as much as the rain!

Le sigh, this is the first time that i've ever wished that it was not winter, when it was. Except for maybe some times in March. because March is pretty sucky. you get a whole crap load of wet snow, when you are totally tired of winter. But anyway, it's been too cold to walk long distances, even in marshmellow quality clothing and even sled because you don't want to be in so much contact with the snow. It takes very attractive weather to lure me outside when i have things that I should be doing (hint, i should be doing spanish studying) so there's like no chance of me going outside while it's this crappy weather. But now it's like practically tropical! 23 degrees! And so I check the weather forcast and am totally surprised! Here's the forcast for monday:

Monday: Light rain early...then remaining cloudy with showers in the afternoon. Precipitation may start as some sleet or snow. High 38F. Winds S at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 60%. High 38 Low 3.

Woooooahhhh! Just as I was thinking "god i miss spring/summer/fall because it rains" i think this is some sort of karma thing. But I wasn't really hoping that it would rain in winter, because, i mean, what kind of weirdo would wish that? It's going to melt the snow, and when it freezes again (we're back in the negatives right after this. look how far apart the high and lows are) there's going to be a slick of ice everywhere. I don't know whether it will actually rain, but that would be interesting.

As for me uncharacteristically missing the sun, i guess i should just drink some sunny-d and suck it up because we're not about to get any sunny warm front until like may.

I just saw Harold and Maude which is just as depressing as it is funny. I love it.
I'm reading/listening to Amulet of Samarkand. I just love the bartimaeus trilogy too. It's not too often that I can crack up on my science homework instead of throwing up on it (that's how bad it is. vaaaguuuueenneesss) and when i do, i must be listening to Bartimaeus :D

Hmmm, what else to I "love"... that would have to by Wyvernhail. I'm getting obsessed with it all over again. I want to make like a billion high-qual portraits of the characters from the series with quotes from the book by them and all. Instead i'm drawing lizard-horses. (yay)

I sorta pirated my dad's camera for a bit and took a few pictures to post on dA, I'm really pleased with one that I tried to take of the moon-bow and lilly :D

Speaking of lilly, it was soooo sad and pathetic! She got stuck on a rug in the kitchen again. Let me repeat that, she got suck on a rug, again. Not physically stuck, mentally stuck. She will timidly try to step off, like she's on really slippery, really thin ice, always keeping at least part of her back feet on the rug, then quickly retreat, no matter my "come here! good girl! come on! it's okay! you're really sad and pathetic!" This has happened twice in the last month and a few times last summer. Sigh. lets add something to her list of fears i guess.

1. Toaster
2. smoke alarm
3. us leaving
4. storms/rain
5. car rides
6. baths
7. nail clipping/hair trimming
8. kitchen floor

why do i have such a neurotic dog?

Friday, January 18, 2008


The bad guys in books! they're all so stereotypical! Even in the good ones! (though lord of the rings gets creativity points for the floating eye dealy)

Most of them are men! just plain and simple! Look, sauron/saruman, Saint Dane, Cluny the Scourge, Voldemort, Samus, Dom Daniel, Count Olaf, James, Prince Humperdink, Count somebody from the Lioness Quartet, Makepeace/Nuada, Jon Spiro, King Galbatorix, Long John Silver, Adderhead, capricorn, . Just off the top of my head! And a few of these dominate whole series's with their evilness. I'm not even counting movies. BTW vampy books and Amelia Atwater-Rhodes books in general get a pat on the back because they do NOT have this typical evil bad guy. oh and in like most Alex Rider books they have these guys. i won't name them all.

and then theres the women evil people. Something they all have in common is they're young, beautiful and fashy or old and have like warts or something. Usually they're all like Julia Rothman from Scorpio, fashy and rich. tyyyppiiicall and they're carry out their plans in a sing-song voice, checking their nail polish as they order people's deaths. not cool. But they're definitely not as much of them as all of the stoopy men.

I ADMIT I AM EVEN GUILTY OF THE TYPICAL EVIL GUY STEREOTYPE. I have Methusalah, who is the leader of... well... the Assassins of Methusalah or whatnot. and I <3 him. Everybody needs an EXTREMELY manipulative, persuasive, old, cloaked, smart, sadistic guy leading their assassin cult-thing. I mean this guy is OLD, i think he has be carried to his little throne dealy every day by two people. anyway, i'm trying to break some stereotypes on this guy. I sort of think enough of my other bad guys are different enough.

and then theres the evil people in realistic fiction. two rules apply. they need to be the same gender as the main character/protagonist and the same age or older than them. noof seyad.

disclaimer: there are many exceptions, don't get me wrong.

anyway. guys have completely dom'd over politics, get them the heck out of being the only antagonists (the coolest people in books anyway) i'll ever get to read about.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Le sigh

I wish it was fall, or summer, or some season where you don't have to dress like an eskimo just to have some "fun and frolic" outside. aka I want to go places and do things without having to worry about a. kleenexes or lack there of, b. the cold, getting cold, and having like 7 layers on and c. it gets dark at like 4 so once you get back from school you only have like an hour to be outside. sigh.

okay, so in SS we got a packet to read about Hiroshima and bombing of it. It's really opinionated and sort of biased. half of the class got a "pro bombing" packet and half got the con. Lucky me, I got the con! I happen to not be completely sure that agree with it. I agree that involving mass amount of civilian casualties in a war is TOTALLY BAD and i do not agree with that, but hmm. so i just finished the packet and it's like totally brainwashing. I want to believe everything that it says in there and hate Truman etc. etc. but that's just exactly what it's trying to make me think. I want to read the other paper really badly. I really hope that it doesn't come to splitting the class into two halves and having us do the paideia seminar in a debate fashion. I'll just be sitting there not arguing but contradicting everything i deem illogical. But i also think it is REALLY ANNOYING AND STUPID that we had to read these papers! couldn't he just give us all of the facts in a an unbiased way and let people form our own opinions? oh yeah, i forgot, a lot of the people in my class (cough, they don't know what democrats are, cough) aren't CAPABLE of forming their own opinions beyond agreeing with what their parents say so i guess they just have to FEED US other people's because we couldn't possibly already have one and NOBODY has the cranial capacity to actually fabricate one! *insert lion roar here*

okay, i'm done. wow that was a long sentence.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Colds should be freakin illegal

ick. my cold came back just in time for school. joy. i mean, who wouldn't want a sore throat and runny nose to go hand in hand with school induced fatigue and suffering?

I need to do my science current events. But i don't want to. really really badly. Le sigh. I'll start it after this blog post. Today at school wasn't actually that bad. I woke up 20 minutes earlier than I needed to (and like an hour after i should've fallen asleep) and in post-sleep delirium, I thought that my my mom was in there waking me up telling me that she had checked my planner and that all of my projects were due today. What a nightmare. Skipping breakfast was sad-face but i didn't get hungry (i ate my connect time snack purely out of knowing that i'd be hungry for lunch, guess what. I wasn't). Span was easy and the teacher seemed somewhat unprepared. which is fine with me. i read Inkheart because I don't have anything else to read.

I believe that my sandwich from lunch deserves an honorably mention on my blog. It was like gross bread plus way to much in the way of peanut butter and jelly. It was more of bread-coated slime. I wanted to pull it apart slowly and watch the bread slowly disintegrate, but mira threw it away for me. sad-face.

anyway, today was good, but tomorrow is going to SUCK. BADLY. DDDDAAAAANG. sciencesciencescience ick ick ick ick. I want to skiiiiiiiiiipp. there is no reason left for me too liiiiiiivvveeee.... and i like exageratiiinnnngggg...

AT on friday, w00t. I don't know who we're up against, but we'll crush them all!! (preferably stupid and confused 7th graders that don't know up from down. we could own them!)

I'm not getting any better at guitar hero. but what evs. medium is just fine for me. oh, sit ups in gym on wednesday! what better way to start the day than a grueling sit-up test? well, just about billions upon millions of things. on that topic, last night I turned on my audio book, turned off the light and lay down. To find that I wasn't the least bit tired and it was like 10:30. I'm used to going to bed like at twelve, but I woke up early the morning before so that I'd be prepared. But nooooooooooo. So I like jumped right back up and actually like did sit ups and stretched, and ran around my room a few times. I know, weird. it helped a bit and I can at least say that i fell asleep before 1. insomniac.

wish me luck on my current events.

so. life goes on. sadly.