Thursday, August 30, 2007

Quotes to live by!

I found all these awesome quotes online and inserted them nearer the bottom of the page. That's what this post is for, because you don't see them right away i'm just notifying you that the quotes are you. Phisoa came up with this idea but I got permission to copy her. :D

Have A Giis Day!

Lissen up all you peoples that are reading this. Actually only you Kwano, because Phisoa and Mira already know this but we made up two new words that would be awesome if they spread.

Giis means good. Me and Phisoa were talking on gmail and she mis-spelled something because she had her eyes closed so I used it back to her and now I've decided it should be a word. Giis, no?

Graa: Introduced by miss Baby Miranda Gremlin when discribing phisoa and I's technique of making bookmarks by squeezing paint in folds of paper. "Are you going to make a new painting, that's not so... graaa?" The sentence was something like that, as Mira held an actual brush, painting an actual painting with an actual pallet. So its sorta hard to define without saying "graa" in the definition, but it must sorta mean wild, uncivilized, barbaric, unorginized. For instance: "The boys in our grade are sooo graa and not really giis."

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Movie Review Time!

Ok, right now my favorite Movie is Iron-Jawed Angels aka "I give it two thumbs up!" or "Critcs (I) are calling it the best movie of this eon!"

So here's the 5 stars it deserves *****. Anyway.

Synopsis: Alice Paul, a college graduate, and her friends get funding from NWSA (National Womens Sufferage Asociation) to go to Washington DC and set up their office there, plus make a huge parade for Sufferage. From there they struggle to get the vote for women and everything gets harder from there. I don't want to give much away, but it's cool.
Just felt like putting it down somewhere.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Sky

So I had this bright idea on gmail chat with my friend:

me: we should each come up with a RANDOM topic and share it on the count of three and the other person has to write a sizable post about it
within reason
Phisoa: deal
me: okay
you ready?

I ended up with the sky as my topic, she ended up with onions. Where do I start? First one must define "the sky" that was probably an idea coined by some primitive mideival peasants, really it's just the atmosphere reflecting something or other and then beyond that is space, where there is no up and down. So really, the sky only exists if you are sitting on earth.

I love painting the sky. I have a whole painting with no land on it, it's just the sunset and night sky. It's sorta cool. You get to use blues then whites and light grays for clouds, and yellow-white for sun if its day and an awesome sort of colors for sunset/rise then dark navys blacks and silver for stars during night. It's like the coolest thing the paint.

Then let us appreciate all of the animals in the sky. I actually read a cool book where there were all of these undiscovered animals high in the sky, Cloud cats, a squid type thing and spiders. But all the we know about it like birds, umm and more birds. I may be having a braindead moment here, but I can't think of any other animals that go around in the sky? Birds are cool enough. They're all like "Kkkk-CAW". It would be awesome to still have massive birds around, like the Roc with a 20ish foot wingspan.

I have the phases of the moon on my iGoogle because the moon is pretty awesome. It's such a quinky-dink that we an only see one side of it. I forget, is it earth that casts the shadow on the moon that makes it wax and wane? I don't know. Oh but i remember that when the cresent goes ) that way it's getting bigger because it's like the bottom of the b and when it's like "c" then its declining because it's like the bottom of "d" Okay, that's enough about the sky, bye.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hi Friends

So the posts are from least recent to most recent. Vote at the poll to your right. To make your own you go to the top right corner where it says "create blog" it's really easy, and if you have a gmail account you just type it in. For instance "Elesaur" then my password, including correct caps. Then you play around with the colors and banners and stuff. You can post comments at the end of the post. Yay.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Oh god, school

Wow, today is the day we get our schedule, and our picture, and turn in all sorts of paperwork. Then school starts sometime early September. That ticks me off.

I mean come on. It's like a big 9 month joke.

Science: Since when is playing around with various solids liquids gasses and powders an essential part of our education? Plus we don't learn anything, they're just like "see if you can made this thing float!" And we're like YEAH we can, after 3 hours of guess and check. Then you get freaking graded on it. How is this important enough to take up an 1 hr 30 minutes every other day??? Plus homework!

Social Studies: What were these people on when they made unenriched SS in 6th, enriched in 7th and unenriched again in 8th??? They make a point of noticing that some people move at a faster pace than others in SS and could use a challenge, they dangle it over their head for a year, then take it away! Why? So they know that it's good for some people to have this experience, so why doesn't it go on? did they just have all the grades in a hat and pick out 7th for the one that gets enriched SS?

Math: Math is the one of the only things i can actually see a point in! But it bores the heck out of me? To me math should be called "Looking at Window and Clock + Homework at End"

LA: All of the books are about sad minority girls who you feel sorry for, until you read the 6th book in a row about them! We get it, some people lives suck and I have empathy for them. Oh, but wait, lets tear apart the story until its demoted from the wonderful work of art that it is into boring technical pieces that every story has to follow called the "climax" and "Exposition" but no, that's not enough. You need to have compound sentences and phrases, then interjections, verbs and nouns. Then prefixes, suffixes and don't forget vowels and consonants. God, could it get more complicated?

Gym: Three words: Let's play kickball! Or four words if a certain gym teacher was teaching you. He might need to count it on his fingers. And don't forget those annoying jock boys who do crazy things and get away with it.

Art: Ah, art. The blissful sanctuary in a school of madness. We don't even get it in 8th grade unless you sign up. I have.

Band: Ok, this actually has some sense. Unless you have a certain bad teacher. Maybe just because the only good teacher QUIT. gak.

Teachers: Ok, in total I've had threeish reading teachers, one who hated my guts. One who looked really sad every time she looked at me and had a really terrible way of grading and one who was a student teacher and didn't seem to like being in front of the class. Waste of time. I want all of those 45 minutes back! That's a lot of time! I feel older just thinking about it! Then there was a FACS teacher that was so bad that she might have been fired! Don't get me starts

Kids: Hockey sweatshirts, sparkly lip gloss and abercrombie everything pretty much sums it up. 7/8ths are dullards who think that school is just a social event and don't do their homework, or ask me how to spell "Pleasant", DURING spelling test.

There, was that a big enough rant?

Edit: I have an evil science teacher.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Here are the sketches!

There we go! Read last post for description and anyalisis of sketches! Note: Some of the quality was lost in the scanner.

My Sketches

So these are some of my most recent sketches, a whole page of Aurora Darkfire, older sister to Diabolical Mentally Challenged, Morally Challenged Warlock Zehrara Darkfire. (I'm hoping that it will show up, right now I just see black where the picture should be . I'm new to this, is that supposed to happen?) Anyway, she's a character in Following Zehrara. (I don't know what I was on when I wrote that story, sixth/fifth grade? But the plot has it's marets) I've written some of it more recently. Now let's look at the symbology.

But maybe to do that I have to actually see the picture? Oh here, I brought it up in paint so from your left to your right it goes Miserable, Happy, Worried and Pissed (xcuse my language?).

Now first of all look at her feet. In Happy and Pissed she has full shoes on. In worried it's sandals and Miserable bare feet. I didn't realize this until after I drew it but that's symbolic. Aurora is most secure obviously when she's happy and pissed. Pissed with dagger out in definitely the comfortable norm for her. Worried, is sandals, she's not worried about too many foes, her sister, and Methusalah. Worried for her sister or that her sister is going to attack her you? may ask. Either one.

Then there's Miserable. Insecurity is pouring out of this one. First look at the feet, Dirty, standing on dirt, and then grinding he necklace you see her wearing in the happy one beneath her foot. You can make out a little "R" hanging off it. Standing for Rathan. They obviously have feelings (awwww) for one another, then there's the person sacrifice she is forced to make for her sister, tearing it off her neck and grinding it into the dirt. Ouch. Then look further up to her trusty curved dagger strapped too her leg. Even when she doesn't have a belt, duty positively clings to her. Then her simple tunic and her head. She's actually covering her face. Probably in a mix of confusion anger and greif. Like a said, this is a really touchy-feely picture. -_- Anger at her sister, who she's too afraid of to attack, which is a change because most of her problems can be solved by slitting somebody's throat. Then greif, she doesn't want anybody to see her cry and confusion, because remember, she's used to lunging to her dagger when she's pissed, but here that doesn't seem to work. Who would she kill, Rathan? No chance.

Moving on to Happy. Just look at her wide bambee eyes, doesn't that just radiate innoccents? Yeah until you see her ear peirced. I just put that there as a reminder that she's a freaking blademaster. And her trusty curved dagger in her cloth belt. I was quite proud of that effect. Now look, she's wearing cloth, and a robe. Not being expected to get attacked at that moment. She's also happiest when she's wearing the Rathan necklace. How sweet. (this was before she hd to take it off).

Then Worried. Not much to say about this. She looks the oldest here and her hands are straying compusively to her Trusty Curved Dagger. That's the only way she knows to deal with things.

And now Pissed. Look at her dark, angry eyes high boots, curled fist, dagger removed from belt, High boots, black tanktop and make the evaluation for your self, lazy. I'm not doing all of your work.

The end. I just love talking about my own art. I didn't mean to do like a spec of that symbolizm.

Well, Now I Have A Blog

Yup. Now I have one. I think this will be fun. Mainly because I like ranting about things to people and don't even care if they're listening. Plus everything is like "Journals are healthy" but I can't get myself to write in mine enough so this is close enough. Here I will sarcastically rant about any topics that come to mind. I mean, what is with airplane food anyway???

Okay, maybe not random topics, but anything that applies. If I was on an airplane maybe I'd mention how stale the pretzels are, I mean, what is with that??? Soooo here goes my first blog...